League of Legends URF SONA Tranquila sona xddd
League of Legends URF /SONA/ Tranquila sona xddd
Nueva partida esta vez en modo URF, espero que os guste, saludos.
League Of Legends - Sona Support #2 Hexa Mode (AP Sona)
Hi guys , hope you enjoyed my gameplay of Sona Support ;). |--| Thanks for the Likes and subscribes. -For more info -. Instagram :.
Sona Rework Spotlight - EARLY preview of possible changes to Sona
Passive - Power Chord:. Q Powerchord amplification down from +100% damage to +50% damage. Q - Hymn of Valor. Creates a 300 unit aura that lasts for 3 seconds. |--| S...
League Of Legends: League of Sona how to Sona Mid
This was a late upload, but still it was good. I did my Mid Sona with the new it from the 6.9 patch. and i gotta say, they really did enhance the Mage class. i love...
League of Legends - Sona [BR: 6.9]
~~~~~~~~ Leu a Descrição, Ganhou um Doce ~~~~~~~~. PC bonito e barato é na AlphaPCS:.
League of Legends - Fed Sona
Larinia feds and rocks ARAM. I, however, eh. -- Watch live at.
URF CON SONA - League of Legends - Ep. 5
Jugamos URF con SONA, muy rota como EVE, junto con mis amigos Sachos y Elzaky. Espero que se diviertan. SUSCRIBETE.
League of Legends #9 - Sona x Morgana
Mais um videozinho de LOl com os amiguinhos. Ainda no modo Todos por Um!.
League of Legends - Pentakill Sona
No, I don't get a Pentakill, that's just the outfit I chose for my champion this session of a League of Legends match. Subscribe for more Tabletop Content:.
League of Legends :: #79 :: Your Host DJ Sona
This is my League of Legends Highlights series, primarily on the Summoner's Rift map. my journey of clutch kills, escapes, objective steals, and teammate saves. Occ...
League Of Legends URF 01 - Sona Wukong
PD: Mas adelante pondré audio y cam. Nota: Este vídeo no pretende demostrar ninguna skill build etc. Es un entretenimiento que quiero compartir con quien quiera verl...
DJ Sona Kinectic: League of Legends
Be Sure to lissen/watch the full video for more info and teaser's. Music/Track: DJ Sona Kinetic (The Crystal Method x Dada Life). Pictures: League of legends. Self:...
LOL - Estreando DJ Sona - League of Legends GamePlay - #01
Este é um gameplay de League of Legends jogado por Nandebaio*. |--| Nesta série serão postadas partidas aleatórias. Aproveite o canal e se divirta. Qualquer comentár...
League Of Legends - Modo URF - Danzando con Sona (OP)
S H A D K K O. Que tal xiquets, xiquetes. Aquí teneís una partidita en modo URF (ultra rapid fire) del League of Legends, jugando con Sona. |--| Las risas os las gar...
Sona Pentakill | League of Legends | Season 6
If you liked the video, don't forget to like it, subscribe and share with your friends. Visit my website:.
Jogando de Support com a sona no League of Legends
Oi gente esta aqui mais um video de Support, estou jogando com a sona. Gente agora só vou colocar novos videos na segunda-feira, quarta-feira e sexta-feira. Espero q...
[League Of Legends] KuroNeko Yuriya as DJ Sona
League of Legends. Server : Garena Thailand. Map : Summoner's Rift. Team : 5x5. Mode : Classic. Queue : Normal. Match Date : 15 - 05 - 2016 @ 20:45. • Summoner Membe...
Sona esta rota league of legends
Hola youtuberos estaves les traigo una partida de lol junto con oscar espero y les guste suscribanse y dele like me apoyarías mucho. Arigato.
League of Legends - One For All Game Mode: Too Many Sona's
Hey it's been a while. Got another game for you and this time we got 3 idiots playing. We're also still working on the streaming situation so hopefully you can look...
League of Legends Jogando de Sona Urf (Vitória)
Eu jogando de Sona na URF. Vitória é claro hehehe.
[GER] League of Legends Sona URF 3 premade with friends
Wenn euch das Video gefällt, Daumen hoch. |--| ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬. Folgt mir auf:. • Twitch:.
SONA ON URF! - League Of Legends Gameplay Part 10
Who let the pugs out flames and people and welcome to a new video. Today i played Sona on URF in League Of Legends. :D If you want to comment: comment and I you want...
URF Sona | League of Legends | mit Dyne und Luda. |
Hallo, ich hoffe das Video hat euch gefallen. Wenn ja dann könnt ihr gerne ein Like und auch ein Abo dalassen. Wenn nicht schreibt mir bitte konstruktive Kritik in d...
League of Legends - Como llevar SONA a MID con un par
Vamos a ver, sé que necesitabais un campeón que os carrilease las partidas con solo dar golpes al teclado y aquí os lo traemos mi novia y yo, joéh. Sona mid es más v...
League of Legends Sona Full Ap Mid Gameplay
Watch me take Sona Vs Akali in the midlane. Didnt realize my mic was muted, so my friend isnt talking to himself lol..
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