Hi, how is it goin'?
Bulldong in a lion suit begging for treats
This bulldog has been dressed up in a lion suit, doesn't quite match his face, but still adorable hearing him speak to get some treats.
Reverse psychology to get dog to eat medicine
This dog owner has figured out how to get his dog to eat its medicine. Instead of trying to hide it in food, he pretends to eat it and tells the dog he isn't allowe...
Cat's reaction while watching horror movie
This cat is is watching the Alfred Hitchcock horror movie Psycho, it looks so attentive to what's happening, and as soon as the screams start, it knows exactly what...
Dogs having a blast chasing each other through tube
These 2 dogs are having the happiest of time playing hide and seek and chasing each other through and around a pipe. Can't help but smile watching them :)