Sona Rework Spotlight - EARLY preview of possible changes to Sona
Passive - Power Chord:. Q Powerchord amplification down from +100% damage to +50% damage. Q - Hymn of Valor. Creates a 300 unit aura that lasts for 3 seconds. |--| Sona and allies touched by the aura get 40/50/60/70/80 (+0.25 AP) bonus magic damage on their next auto attack. Buff lasts 3 seconds. Each ally Sona tags with the aura increases the duration of the aura by 0.5 seconds. Cooldown increased to 10 seconds from 7 seconds. No longer grants persistent AP and AD aura. Mana cost increased by 5 at all ranks (50/55/60/65/70). W - Aria of Perseverance. Initial cast heals Sona plus the lowest health nearby ally for 25/50/75/100/125 (+ 0.25 AP) heath. This heal is increased by 1% for each 1% missing health of the target. |--| Creates a 300 unit aura that lasts for 3 seconds. |--| Sona and her allies touched by the aura get a shield that blocks 40/60/80/100/120 (+0.2 AP) damage. |--| Each ally Sona tags with the aura increases the duration of the aura by 0.5 seconds. Cooldown increased to 10 seconds from 7 seconds. No longer grants persistent MR and Armor aura. Mana cost increased by 5 at all ranks (65/70/75/80/85). E - Song of Celerity. Initial cast grants Sona a boost of 13%/14%/15%/16%/17% + (7.5% for every 100 AP) move speed. This decays down to the amount Sona grants to her allies. |--| Creates a 300 unit aura that lasts for 3 seconds. Grants allies touched by the aura 10%/11%/12%/13%/14% move speed for 1.5 seconds. |--| Each ally Sona tags with the aura increases the duration of the aura by 0.5 seconds. Cooldown increased to 10 seconds from 7 seconds. No longer grants persistent move speed aura. No longer grants allies % move speed on cast. R - Crescendo. Ranking up Crescendo increases the strength of Sona's auras. +10/20/30 magic damage for Hymn of Valor. +10/20/30 extra shield for Aria of Perseverance. +2%/4%/6% move speed for Song of Celerity. Crescendo has new VFX that more accurately show the affected area of the spell.