How to Witness to the Jehovah s Witness
How to Witness to the Jehovah's Witness
Witnessing to a Jehovah's Witness is one of the hardest people to share the gospel with. We were asked the question if we had any tips for how to go about it. This i...
A witness for JEHOVAH?
Dealing with the teaching of the Jehovah's Witnesses and how they are in opposition to Holy Scripture. My email is klzacher@gmail.
The News - Jehovah's Witness Advert
Discussing the new advert which encourages children to speak out against same-sex relationships. Link to the original video:.
RECOMMENDED BOOKS. Jehovah of the Watchtower, By Walter Martin;. On the incarnation, By Saint Athanasius;. Putting Jesus in His Place: The Case for the Deity of Chri...
Response To The Homophobic Jehovah's Witness Video
Homophobia. Bigotry. Ignorance. Hypocrisy. Who else but the Christian church. This is possibly one of the most sickening religiously inspired videos I've come across...
Preaching and Conversation with Marcus the Jehovah's Witness
When I was preaching on the promenade a Jehovah's Witness named Marcus approached me and asked to talk. When I finished preaching we had a conversation about who Jes...
persecuted, Jehovah's Witness Convention 2016
Video for symposium talk "Be Loyal, as Jesus was When Persecuted". |--| Here the Watchtower is using the ban in Russia to scare the hell out of the JW and feed their...
gives up job opportunity, Jehovah's Witness Convention 2016
Here the sole breadwinner of a family gives up a job opportunity for the sake of the meetings..
Our Thoughts About The New Jehovah's Witness Shunning Video
If you haven't seen this new "leaked" video yet, hold on to your seats. It is truly shocking the depths to with has sunk in order to maintain control over its...
Offensive Jehovah's Witness Anti Gay Cartoon?
The Jehova's Witnesses came out with a whole series of cartoons to teach children Jehova's "lessons." One lesson that is being taught is very anti-gay and encourages...
Jehovah's Witness Mourning Minute 1st Memorial Day
JWMM 1st MEMORIAL DAY. Driving to work this Mourning was nothing special. |--| I noticed less cars on the road. This mourning had a lazy Sunday mourning feeling. A...
Our Thoughts on the Jehovah's Witness Doomsday Video
When we made this video, we hadn't seen the whole series (if you want to see it, click link below). After seeing the rest of the videos, we are even more disturbed b...
shunning talk, Jehovah's Witness convention 2016
The shunning talk (Symposium : Loyally Uphold Jehovah's Judgments, second talk, "Shun Unrepentant Wrongdoers"). At 2:45 "inactive ones" are targeted for shunning..
Secretly Recorded Jehovah's Witness Shunning Talk
Disclaimer: We do not believe that Almighty God's name is Jehovah. Jehovah is a false name..
The Seven Stages of a Jehovah's Witness Waking Up to the Truth About the Watchtower
I ponder the stages or phases a Jehovah’s Witness may go through in their mental space when waking up, which is not so much as a moment, but more of a process that t...
A message to me from an anonymous kind hearted Jehovah's Witness
I get some hateful messages from these silly witnesses but I had to make a quick video after reading this one. Silly Witnesses
Why I Disfellowshipped My Jehovah's Witness Parents. | Mariah McLean
For business inquiries ONLY, such as company sponsors or reviews: Hi Guys. ♡ Todays video is going to be all about why I disfellowshipped my JW...
I Spoke to my Jehovah's Witness Sister about Paedophiles in the Watchtower Organisation
Sorry their "names" change a few times throughout the vid. I kept forgetting what I was meant to be calling them so I kept making it up on the spot. I Spoke to my Je...
child musical talent, Jehovah's Witness Convention 2016
This the video for symposium talk "Be Loyal, as Jesus was When Young". Here a child with musical talent is discouraged from formal musical training. Very sad..
Be loyal as Jesus was when praised. Jehovah's Witness Convention 2016
Video for symposium talk "Be Loyal, as Jesus was When Praised". |--| Here a man can't take a complement. He says everything is due to Jehovah's help. The message is...
Jehovah's Witness Appeal Committee hidden camera recording 2016-01-20
When I stopped believing in the Organization, I knew that the only likely outcomes were either disfellowshipping, or spending the rest of my life pretending to be so...
When Facing Death Blood Video, Jehovah's Witness Convention 2016
First 1:48 is a video for the 6th talk for symposium "Be Loyal, as Jesus was", the talk is called "When Abandoned". In the video a JW woman cries because her husband...
Shunning Talk - 2016 Jehovah's Witness Convention Drama -- Dalcour
The shunning talk (Symposium : Loyally Uphold Jehovah's Judgments, second talk, "Shun Unrepentant Wrongdoers"). "inactive ones" are targeted for shunning. |--| SHOW...
Jehovah's Witness judicial committee hidden camera recording 2016-01-10 PART 1
Part 1 of 2. This is what happens when a Jehovah's Witness gets caught not believing in the stories that he was raised with. They call this apostasy, which in their...
Inside Prince's Life in the Jehovah's Witness Congregation Where He Was Called Simply 'Brother Nels
Prince, the enigmatic and renowned rock star beloved by millions, was just another devoted member to the congregation of the St. Louis Park, Minnesota, Jehovah's Wit...
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