Jehovah's Witness judicial committee hidden camera recording 2016-01-10 PART 1
Part 1 of 2. This is what happens when a Jehovah's Witness gets caught not believing in the stories that he was raised with. They call this apostasy, which in their view, includes holding or sharing any viewpoints contrary to what is taught by the Organization. The accusation is examined by a committee of at least 3 elders, who meet with the accused alone and in secret to provide congregational discipline. Failure to attend this meeting makes conviction virtually automatic. The punishment for apostasy (among many other perceived sins) is what they call disfellowshipping, that is, removal of said person from the congregation. The moment one is removed from the congregation, all Jehovah's Witnesses, which usually includes all the person's closest friends and immediate family, are explicitly forbidden to speak to that person. The only way to reverse this is by repenting, re-committing oneself to the service of the Organization, and begging the Elders to let you back in. This humiliating reinstatement process usually lasts at least a year. When I stopped believing in the Organization, I knew that the only likely outcomes were either disfellowshipping, or spending the rest of my life pretending to be something I'm not, as though I were ashamed of simple logic and skepticism. I went to this meeting, not to avoid being disfellowshipped, but to challenge the elders to justify their immoral actions, and to expose the things they do in secret to the harsh light of day. Please excuse the poor camera work, the camera was hidden in my shirt pocket. Part 2:.