Gragas Jungle - League of Legends - Full game play w/ Friends (ft. Xalter Gold II)
Playing League of Legends. Playing Gragas jungle and just having a chill time. Playing with friends ft. Xalter. Probably low gold game :D. Masteries: 0/12/18. What is up GUYZZ. I'm Bernie or Uki on LoL and on this channel we play tha video games, specifically the League of the Legendszzz. I'm originally a Diamond 3 player on my main account, this is my casual that I kind of want to get "serious" with. What does this mean. Does it mean you're about to see some dank plays??. Well no not really. there are tons of diamond and master players that do questionable plays and even in pro level too; don't lie we've seen TSM and CLG players do stupid stuff. but I can hold my own. I think hahaha. .I badly need a life. This video contains gameplay content from League Of Legeneds published by Riot Games. It is used under fair use as defined at.