League of Legends - Mid Talon Gameplay Live Commentary
Hey guys, its been a while since I've put up some League gameplay. So here's a game I recorded a few days ago, hope you enjoy. Also I streamed recently and played so...
"BEST TALON KILLSTREAK?!" | Call of Duty Black Ops 3
What's up everyone JGollopGaming here bringing you a video on the best Talon Killstreak I had on Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Nuketown Map. If you liked this video pleas...
League Of Legends :Highlights of Yasuo and Talon Pentakill Top 5 Pentakill
SKT T1,highlight,league of legends,lol,pentakill,faker,yasuo,talon,Baron,Best Yasuo,COGAChannel,Faker Full game,Faker Funny,Faker Troll,Faker live stream,Highlight Y...
League of legends: Yasuo, Riven, Talon who is the best Assasin in the hand masters
League of Legends,Yasuo Pentakill,best yasuo 2016,yasuo montage,lol,Yasuo,Bjergsen Montage,Best Yasuo Plays,Best of Bjergsen,Bjergsen,Faker Highlights,1v5 Pentakill....
5 Pentakill Talon League of Legends 2016 - Talon Pentakill 2016 - Pentakill May 2016
5 Pentakill Talon League of Legends 2016 - Talon Pentakill 2016 - Pentakill May 2016. Talon – the Blade's Shadow. "The three deadliest blademasters in all of Valo...
[Montage] League of Legends Talon
Un petit montage de gameplay tout pété avec talon. Logiciel - Sony Vegas Pro 13.0. Musique - Disclosure - Latch feat. Sam Smith (Favulous Remix).
League of Legends - Talon - EP 1 - "Se te ve inteligente..."
League of Legends Capitulo 1 español. League of Legends Gameplay commentary. League of Legends Gameplay. League of Legends Parte 1 español. League of Legends Let's p...
Nuestras compras deberían ser en este orden:. 1.- Tiamat. 2.- Botas de tu preferencia. 3.- Filo fantasmal de Youmuu. Dependiendo de el matchup podmeos retrasar la...
No dudes en apoyar el vídeo con un comentario o con un like. Pregutas frecuentes:. - ¿En que elo estás. Actualmente en Diamante V, con la smurf en Oro. |--| - ¿Porqu...
Top 5 Games of 2016 So Far
Top 5 Games of 2016 So Far. To find audio versions of this and other game reviews and vlogs, head over to the Drive Thru Review Audio feed. You can subscribe to the...
No dudes en apoyar el vídeo con un comentario o con un like. Pregutas frecuentes:. - ¿En que elo estás. Actualmente en Diamante V, con la smurf en Oro. |--| - ¿Porqu...
LA PARTIDA DEL AMOR Y DE LA AMISTAD | AHRI MID [League of Legends Temporada 6]
No dudes en apoyar el vídeo con un comentario o con un like. Pregutas frecuentes:. - ¿En que elo estás. Actualmente en Diamante V, con la smurf en Oro. |--| - ¿Porqu...
ⓩ Why Passive Players Win & Improve Less ! : League of Legends
Are you just A player or are you A Z'tudent. Be awesome, Stay Awesome. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. •••••••••••••••••...
¿EL REY DE LA MIDLANE? GUÍA ZED [League of Legends Temporada 6]
No dudes en apoyar el vídeo con un comentario o con un like. Pregutas frecuentes:. - ¿En que elo estás. Actualmente en Diamante V, con la smurf en Oro. |--| - ¿Porqu...
Niedostateczny Wpierdol - Urf #3 (League Of Legends)[PL] [1080p]
Alistar sobie szedł aż tu nagle urf i ma skille co 2 sekundy wiec idziem nim grać w League Of Legends ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Rozwiń i czytaj opis drogi widzu :). Zapraszam do...
League of Legends Character Voice-Overs: Assassins
You know, a plastic cup does a lot of wonders. These are my voice-overs of a few assassins of League of Legends and they are Master Yi, Talon, Lee Sin, Zed and Noctu...
Mastery 7 Azir Rapid Fire Total Carnage League of Legends Compilation
League of Legends Azir Mastery 7 rapid fire complete wreckage compilation.
¡TOP TIER 6.10 EN JUNGLA! GUÍA VOLIBEAR JUNGLA [League of Legends Temporada 6]
No dudes en apoyar el vídeo con un comentario o con un like. Pregutas frecuentes:. - ¿En que elo estás. Actualmente en Diamante V, con la smurf en Oro. |--| - ¿Porqu...
Call of Duty: Online Gameplay! The Lag is Real
Hey guys, this is some gameplay of Call of Duty: Online. Hope you enjoy. Leave a Like if you Enjoyed it. Comment Down Below to notify me of what you wanna see next o...
[League of Legends] Got Mastery Level 7 finally
I did it, got level 7 on Talon. My life is mostly complete now..
Gragas Jungle - League of Legends - Full game play w/ Friends (ft. Xalter Gold II)
Playing League of Legends. Playing Gragas jungle and just having a chill time. Playing with friends ft. Xalter. Probably low gold game :D. Masteries: 0/12/18. What i...
Let's Show League of Legends - Live und in Farbe - Let's Play [Deutsch]
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. DerLanClan:. Wir kommen aus dem hohen Norden und Moin Moin gehört zu unser Alltagssprache. Unser Team besteht aus 3 leidenschaftlichen Game...
League of Legends (ARAM) w/ Friends #85
We did not deserve to win that. Getsukabijin (Me): Varus. Guodoh (The Friend): Ziggs. Highlights of random ARAM matches starring myself and friends. Admittedly, we a...
League of Legends Ahri Excellence in hand SKT T1 Faker
League of Legends Ahri Excellence in hand SKT T1 Faker.
VEST YASUO HEU [League of Legends Temporada 6]
No dudes en apoyar el vídeo con un comentario o con un like. Pregutas frecuentes:. - ¿En que elo estás. Actualmente en Diamante V, con la smurf en Oro. |--| - ¿Porqu...
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