MGS5: Phantom Pain - Ocelot's Tornado-6 Revolver - (Metal Gear Solid 5)
Tornado-6 Handgun is available for use after update 1.10 in game Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Ocelot's revolver called Tornado-6 has bullets that ricochets off walls to kill your enemies. Video shows the unique features of this handgun and demonstrates how the weapon works. It is then compared to the Adam-ska Special (Adam-SKA SP.: engraved AM D114 pistol with black frame and ivory grip) used by Ocelot in Operation Snake Eater. Later in the video, you can see the gun in action during a FOB Infiltration. The Tornado-6 is also unique in that the barrel fires bullets from the bottom chamber of the cylinder, rather than the top chamber, which lessens recoil after firing. Part 91 of a series of secrets and tips for the game MGSV: Phantom Pain on PlayStation 4..