Let's Play Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (pt4) Revolver Ocelot
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is set in the Cold War-era Soviet Union, the story centers on FOX operative Naked Snake as he attempts to rescue a weapons designer a...
Metal Gear Solid 5 - Tornado 6 Revolver
im surprised they gave us ocelot's MGO revolver. its fairly difficult to use imo..
MGS5: Phantom Pain - Ocelot's Tornado-6 Revolver - (Metal Gear Solid 5)
Tornado-6 Handgun is available for use after update 1.10 in game Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Ocelot's revolver called Tornado-6 has bullets that ricochets...
Uncharted 4 : I'm going to hell for this.
Well we already knew I was going to hell, this just seals the deal lmao. |--| U think he mad?.
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Part 26: Single Soldier Savior - Button Jam
Dean and Donny spend time rescuing a single poor bastard as they struggle with poor controls, hyper advanced AI, and each other. The sanity, it disappears..
Let's Play Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain #33 (Part 3) - Skull Face II
Nachdem wir unserem kleinem Soldaten Eli noch einmal gezeigt haben, wer hier der Boss ist, machen wir uns endlich auf, Rache an unserem Feind zu nehmen: Skull Face....
Let's Play Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (pt3) Sokolov
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is set in the Cold War-era Soviet Union, the story centers on FOX operative Naked Snake as he attempts to rescue a weapons designer a...
Let's Play Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (pt5) The Boss' defection
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is set in the Cold War-era Soviet Union, the story centers on FOX operative Naked Snake as he attempts to rescue a weapons designer a...
YOU'RE TROLLING ME | Garry's Mod (Funny Moments)
▲▲▲My Social Media▲▲▲. Win cash and skins playing CS:GO on Kickback - sign up at.
Zombie Game with Novritsch, NODE, Airsoftology, Evike and Brain Exploder
Trying out a completely different game mode; Infected. One player starts off as the infected. He has 1 minute to melee kill someone before he must openly be a zombie...
Minecraft Episode 22 || The Truth?!?!
Don't forget to check out our homies at Laggin' Out. Awesome content and you want some laughs. Or even something entertaining. Check these guys out.
CS:GO vs DOTA 2 Cartoon EP 1 START WAR cartoon about cs
Thank you for watching this video, I think you enjoyed it as well as you cann't Sign up for my channel, that will see more cartoons about. Dota 2 and CS GO.