This is the music that plays during a pet battle in World of Warcraft. From the looks of it, most of this seems to be a recreation of the Warcraft II Orc and Human themes. However, I don't think the tracks "mus_pb_w2_humanvictory," "mus_pb_w2_orcvictory," and "mus_pb_toytrumpet" actually playin the game at all, but I can't be certain since I don't spend that much time pet battling. Also, this music, to me, is just like the Pandaren beer/inn music; it's good at setting up its mood and theme, but is potentially annoying when listened to in great frequency. Although, I would rather listen to this forever than the beer music (hopefully no offense to Glenn or Edo). Human 0:00 - 8:30. 1 0:00 - 2:08. 2 2:08 - 3:59. 3 3:59 - 5:52. 4 5:52 - 8:30. Human War Room 8:30 - 9:17. Human Victory 9:17 - 9:33. Orc 9:33 - 17:27. 1 9:33 - 11:19. 2 11:19 - 13:21. 3 13:21 - 15:25. 4 15:25 - 17:27. Orc War Room 17:27 - 18:03. Orc Victory 18:03 - 18:21. Toy Trumpet 18:21 - 19:55. My Twitter:.