This is the music for the Wandering Isle, the Pandaren starting zone. My favorite tracks are "mus_50_wanderingislea_hero_uu01" (0:00), "mus_50_wanderingisleb_hero_uu01" (8:57), "mus_50_wanderingislec_hero_uu01" (12:40), "mus_50_wanderingislec_uu01" (14:04), "mus_50_wanderingislec_uu04" (18:17), "mus_50_templeofthefivedawns_hero_01" (27:06), and "mus_50_woodofstaves_hero_03" (42:02). You better get used to seeing long lists like that because, surprisingly, MoP has the highest amount of music out of all of the other expansions (including Vanilla WoW) and the zones are filled to the brim with it, but it is still some of the best I've heard from this game. Wandering Isle A 0:00 - 8:57. hero_uu01 0:00 - 1:41. uu01 1:41 - 3:18. uu02 3:18 - 5:06. uu03 5:06 - 6:15. uu04 6:15 - 8:03. uu05 8:03 - 8:57. Wandering Isle B 8:57 - 12:40. hero_uu01 8:57 - 11:12. uu01 11:12 - 12:40. Wandering Isle C 12:40 - 19:39. hero_uu01 12:40 - 14:04. uu01 14:04 - 15:33. uu02 15:33 - 16:49. uu03 16:49 - 18:17. uu04 18:17 - 19:39. Shen-zin Su 19:39 - 27:06. hero_01 19:39 - 20:31. hero_02 20:31 - 21:38. 01 21:38 - 23:17. 02 23:17 - 25:12. 03 25:12 - 27:06. Temple of the Five Dawns 27:06 - 39:41. hero_01 27:06 - 28:48. 01 28:48 - 29:57. 02 29:57 - 31:01. 03 31:01 - 32:12. 04 32:12 - 32:52. 05 32:52 - 33:32. 06 33:32 - 34:21. 07 34:21 - 35:04. 08 35:04 - 35:15. 09 35:15 - 36:49. 10 36:49 - 38:29. 11 38:29 - 39:22. 12 39:22 - 39:41. Wood of Staves 39:41 - 43:08. hero_01 39:41 - 40:46. hero_02 40:46 - 42:02. hero_03 42:02 - 43:08. My Twitter:.