Minecraft Mini-Game : DO NOT LAUGH! (ROSS' WEENIE HUT!) /w Facecam

It’s SkyDoesMinecraft, JinBopGaming, ThatGuyBarney, RagingHouse and they’re all together for Do Not Laugh. The way it goes, the first person to get 3 points wins. And in order to get those points, you have to make the person in the center laugh. Easier said than done. After a stern outbreak from ThatGuyBarney who warns JinBopGaming and RagingHouse not to make him laugh, SkyDoesMinecraft decides ThatGuyBarney is going into the center. So, he builds a house of bricks. Ok, any guess who he builds the house for. Too easy. Yeah, and it didn’t exactly get much of a laugh from RagingHouse, either. ThatGuyBarney seeks redemption for his first lame joke and actually kills it with his second venture. Although ThatGuyBarney has a little trouble with Knock, Knock jokes. Then again, it’s the closest thing to making RagingHouse laugh. And getting SkyDoesMinecraft, JinBopGaming, ThatGuyBarney, RagingHouse not to laugh is nearly impossible anyway. So remember to slap that like button and enjoy this SkyDoesMinecraft Do Not Laugh 6 video!.

minecraft,   gaming,   skydoesminecraft,   video game industry