MONSTER MAZE MADNESS?! | Minecraft Mini-Game MASHUP! /w Facecam
Hey guys, welcome back to another Minecraft video. Today SkyDoesMinecraft is joined by House_Owner, Mithzan, and RedVacktor for Minecraft Minigame Mashup. They start with Milk the Cow, a game where one person is a cow and three are the farmers, and you get a point for each glass of milk you drink while the cow gets a point for each farmer he kills and the first to 15 points wins. Red has the grave misfortune of being the cow, and he’s just awful at protecting his herd. Sky wins without problem, and the gang moves on to Monster Maze. It seems pretty simple: run on top of the maze to the Safe Pad without running into monsters and getting knocked off, but it turns out to be much harder when they realize they’re limited on jumps. Sky gets to the Safe Pad first, then they all make a break for the second Safe Pad – Sky uses up his last jump, Max dies, and Ross celebrates his own safe arrival on the Safe Pad by jumping, which, obviously, uses up all his jumps. Oh Ross. In the next run everyone makes it without incident, but then Ross learns the hard way that the Safe Pad can very easily become the Death Pad and if you step out of it before the round starts, you explode. It’s down to Red and Sky, and Sky beats Red to the Safe Pad, winning the game. They enjoyed Monster Maze enough to play it again, and this time Ross dies within seconds and alerts everyone else to the fact by letting out an ear-piercing scream. By the time they reach round three everyone is out of jumps, and Sky forgets about that little fact and runs right into a pit of lava. Red is savagely killed by Zombie Pig Men, and Max wins the game. The next game is A Barbarians Life, wherein everyone fights to the death. Max kills Red, then hunts down Sky – Ross intervenes to satisfy his hunger, but Max turns on and slays him. In an actually extremely surprising plot twist, Sky manages to defeat the blood-thirsty Max and win the game. Next is Gravity, a space-themed game where you must restore your oxygen at Emerald Blocks and the last player alive wins. Max dies right off the bat, while Sky camps out on a ledge and shoots sonic blasts at his friends. Red dies next when his jetpack runs out of juice, then Ross dies and gives Sky yet another win. Next is Type Wars, a typing game where you have to protect your team’s giant zombie by typing the words above the mobs that are coming to attack it. They can’t figure out how to play, but eventually Red figures it out for Team Sky and they stomp out the competition. They move on to Zombie Survival, a pretty self-explanatory game where you have to survive the zombies. Ross and Max are the first to turn into zombies, and Ross chases Sky down. Sky manages to kill him, but he makes the mistake of following Ross’ advice and checking out an old abandoned mineshaft, where the zombies proceed to herd him into lava and kill him, thereby granting Red the win. They decide to take another trip back to Monster Maze, and Sky makes it to the Safe Pad first, but immediately walks into lava. It’s down to Ross and Red, but Red explodes when he walks off the Safety Pad and Ross gets the win. That’s it for this Minecraft Minigame Mashup – thanks for watching, and we’ll see you next time!.