Music provided by. ♫ - Audiomicro - part of our partnership with the Zoomin.TV Network. Zoomin.TV Games is a Youtube Channel Network with lots of videos about gaming, from top 5 videos to interesting interviews and coverage of all the big gaming events. You like what you see. Subscribe for more videos about your favorite games. Zoomin.TV Games is the number one source for your gameplay videos, top 5 game videos, funny videos, video game reviews and opinions, interviews with developers and more about your favorite video games. ▼▼▼ Youtube Partnership with Zoomin.TV Games ▼▼▼. When you are interested in Youtube Partnerships, you've come to the right channel. We offer partnerships to gamers who have an opinion about gaming or want to show their skills on Youtube. You should know you can't use copyrighted music or videos (like movies and trailers), but your own gameplay videos with your own voice-over is perfect. More information about Youtube Partnerships can be found here:.