This is the music for the Elemental Bonds questline that came out in patch 4.2. Unfortunately, most of these tracks (except for the Elemental Earth tracks by Russell Brower) are unlabeled so I don't know for sure who composed these, but I'd assume it's Glenn Stafford due to the similarity in labeling with his work in Wrath of the Lich King which had a lack of labeling as well as "a"s, "b"s, "c"s, etc. Elemental Bonds 0:00 - 3:39. a_uu01 0:00 - 0:54. a_uu02 0:54 - 1:49. a_uu03 1:49 - 2:43. b_uu01 2:43 - 3:13. b_uu02 3:13 - 3:39. Elemental Air 3:39 - 8:54. a_uu01 3:39 - 4:27. a_uu02 4:27 - 5:05. b_uu01 5:05 - 5:49. b_uu02 5:49 - 6:43. c_uu01 6:43 - 7:45. d_uu01 7:45 - 8:20. d_uu02 8:20 - 8:54. Elemental Water 8:54 - 14:29. a_ud01 8:54 - 10:01. a_un01 10:01 - 11:08. b_ud01 11:08 - 11:43. b_un01 11:43 - 12:18. c_ud01 12:18 - 13:21. c_un01 13:21 - 14:29. Elemental Water Ambient 14:29 - 15:44. Elemental Earth 15:44 - 20:07. uu01 15:44 - 16:43. uu02 16:43 - 18:03. uu03 18:03 - 19:08. uu04 19:08 - 20:07. Thrall Aggra 20:07 - 25:54. a_ed01 20:07 - 21:19. a_en01 21:19 - 22:21. b_ed01 22:21 - 23:15. b_en01 23:15 - 24:00. c_ed01 24:00 - 24:57 (Maybe I need a separate counter for these?). c_en01 24:57 - 25:54. My Twitter:.