Timestamps below. These are the new PlayStation games in North America for the week of May 31st, 2016. There Came An Echo (PS4) - 0:03. Neon Chrome (PS4) - 0:33. Hard Reset Redux (PS4) - 1:00. Dangerous Golf (PS4) - 1:28. One Piece Burning Blood (PS4, VITA) - 1:55. Oxenfree (PS4) - 2:21. Dead Island: Definitive Edition (PS4) - 2:46. Daydream Awakened Edition (PS4) - 3:11. Score Rush Extended (PS4) - 3:36. Plague Inc. Evolved (PS4) - 3:54. Smite (PS4) - 4:33. Kick & Fennick (PS4) - 3:36. Hitman Episode 3: Marrakesh (PS4) - 3:54. The Witcher 3: Blood & Wine (PS4) - 4:33. Art of Balance (PS4) - 5:36. Delta Strike: First Assault (VITA) - 5:56. Paranautical Activity (PS4, VITA) - 6:20. Primal (PS4) - 6:41. Shadowblade Reload (PS4) - 7:02. SUBSCRIBE:.