Top 5 Rarest PS4 Game Consoles (Rarest PS4 Systems) The Playstation 4 released only a few years ago. Still that doesn't mean there aren't already several very rare PS4 Games Consoles. Here we count down the Top 5 Rarest PS4 Systems that you likely won't ever get your hands on. So if you don't mind tearing up a bit, check out the rarest PS4 Games Systems here. Make sure to enter our massive giveaway of 2 Glacier White PS Vitas, and 2 Uncharted PS4 Bundles. To Enter click that subscribe button, and leave a comment below, winners will be announced may 31at 2016. Includes PS4 Unboxings. FTC Disclosure- 101 Ways To Die Mention is a funded and payed for mention. Want to write news for the PS Vita, PS4, PS3, and PSVR. Send an email to [email protected] telling us why you would be a good fit. Subscribe to Be Entered in Our Weekly Giveaways!.