YouTube Gaming PAX Panel LIVE!
I'm on the official YouTube GAming panel at PAX East 2016. Several of the biggest streamers from YouTube Gaming will be presenting and. answering questions. I hope y...
BLFC 2016 Panel - Casino Gaming 101
For the 3rd straight year at BLFC, I used my 7 years of experience as a casino dealer to host an instructional panel on the basics of playing the most popular casino...
1979 Revolution: A Case Study in Bringing Real Stories to Gaming
This 2014 talk from developer Navid Khonsari addresses the challenges of telling real stories via the most popular medium of our time. Video games have traditionally...
World of Warcraft - Take a Look Before You Look Away (World of Warcraft Gameplay)
World of Warcraft, Take a Look Before You Look Away on some World of Warcraft Gameplay. This is a livestream of me playing some world of warcraft or WoW. This game i...
The 2015 European Innovative Games Showcase
The European Innovative Games Showcase (EIGS) at the GDC Europe Independent Games Summit returns for its second edition, picking the most intriguing and different in...
Diablo: A Classic Game Postmortem
Diablo developer David Brevik returns to the GDC stage to give a classic post-mortem on Blizzard's action RPG hit Diablo in this 2016 talk. Brevik shares key takeawa...
Taking Minecraft to School: Re-Engineering the Game for Learning
Minecraft is not an educational game. It's a game used in education. It has gained traction with over 10,000 schools, in spite of the difficulty setting up the Java...
The Sound of Grand Theft Auto V
In this 2014 talk, Rockstar North's Alastair MacGregor covers the major audio features in Grand Theft Auto V, and describes the approach taken by the audio team to c...