gold farming
Very Easy World of Warcraft Gold Farm - Gold Farming Fast and Easy
I hope you guys are up for another world of warcraft farming video. I got most of these in just a few hours and it was actually quite a bit of fun. This gold farming...
FILL IT UP - Zul'farrak - Is it Worth it (World of Warcraft Gold Farming)
Running ZF until we get a full inventory of stuff to see how it was valued in total. /run local t,b,s,i,q,l t=0 for b=0,4 do s=GetContainerNumSlots(b) for i=1,s do _...
Raid HQ ::iPhone Game:: [Gold Farming]
You can make 20k Gold in 3 minutes in RAID HQ a new iphone game. This simple farming guide does not require any 3rd party apps, shady dealings or loopholes. You simp...
WoW New Player Guide: How to Make Gold while Leveling
Tips for beginners playing World of Warcraft of how to make gold while leveling up. In this WoW Guide I go over what professions to pick, transmog farming, cloth, he...
WoW Gold Guide-How to Rare Spawn Farm
Here is a fast easy guide on rare farm farming in world of Warcraft..
Mining+Alchemy+Blacksmithing! Make some serious gold in World of Warcraft!
An extension to the previous Mining/Blacksmithing. These are additional items you can farm to either assist in crafting the items if you'd like or you could just sel...
5 Mobs that Drop Expensive Loot in World of Warcraft
Top 5 Mobs that Drop Expensive Loot in WoW. World of Warcraft Gold Farming Guide. WoD 6.2 World Drops Expensive Loot. My links:. Support me on Patreon.
SCAM or SPLIT World of Warcraft Social Experiment Game!
A fun game to test the integrity of some WoW players, will the players attempt to scam each other, or will the both do what's best for each of them and split?.
Hunting MEGA RARE Items in World of Warcraft Episode 10
I can't really expect much more loot than the massive gains we got here..
Hitting 110 in World of Warcraft Legion - What happens.
You wait for the next expansion then Kappa, but no there's a lot of things I'll be getting done, definitely plenty more to expect don't tune away we'll be popping ou...
Blood of Sargeras, possibly like "Felblight" is VERY common. World of Warcraft Legion
In just 5 herbs I managed to receive 3 more of these I can't imagine they are rare at any rate when getting them that fast..
Reaching rank 3 in an Herbalism Profession in World of Warcraft Legion
My speculations on what occurs, I did seen an herb instantly respawn so I believe that's what it means by "may cause more herbs" part. I don't know if Blood of Sarge...
World of Warcraft Legion will allow endless Mount/Raid attempts each week!
Another handy tip that I feel will be very beneficial to you collectors out there. I hope you like it :), thanks for watching..
Massive Profit Mining/BS guide for World of Warcraft!
Just stumbled across my mind and I thought I'd share, hope you all enjoy and best of luck getting rich!.
Secret Vendors in World of Warcraft for Huge Profit!
Some Vendors with little trinkets that people will pay a lot for. I hope you enjoy :).
World of Warcraft talking about servers and they start with L-E-G
Dev currently streaming talking about development and course of the if you miss it just take a look at how people are talking about it.
Opening 75 World of Warcraft DECODED TRUE BELIEVER CLIPPINGS (Amazing profit)
I was amazed, I mean I just really didn't expect to get so many so I couldn't even talk while I was opening them..