game developer
3ds Max - Game Asset Tutorial Part 1 | Highpoly & Lowpoly + UV
Please like, share and subscribe for more awesome content. Hey Guys and welcome to a very quick tutorial. I tried to keep it beginner friendly with explainations on...
Is Game Development Career Viable?
Is Game Development Career Viable. Some people dream of becoming a game developer. And I include myself in this statistic. For a long time, I've dreamed of becoming...
Uncharted 4 - #4 - Luke Perry - Guest Play with Josh Foreman!
Nathan Drake enjoys a moment of idyllic home life while Dan and Josh enjoy several moments of analyzing water coolers and bespoke animations. Then the action ramps u...
Legacy Play - Thoughts on the Vanilla WoW Server - Extra Credits
___________. When Activision-Blizzard took down a pirated server that had 150,000 active members (and 800,000 registered members) on the original or "vanilla" versio...
Code-Monkeys Magic and Magnums: Interactive Gaming with the Design Mill Torch
At GDC 2016 Design Mill, Code-Monkeys, and Kaio Interactive collaborated to create an interactive tower defense game calle Magic and Magnums. The game itself is play...
Intel® Software Innovator Jon Collins
Jon Collins from Kaio Interactive has collaborated with Code-Monkeys and the Design Mills Torch to create an interactive game called Magic and Magnums. Jon talks abo...
In Defense of Short Games - Worth Every Dollar - Extra Credits
___________. One of the most common critiques directed at short games, especially indie games, is that they would be better if they were "only" twice or three times...
Developing successful games with Google Play - Google I/O 2016
Google Play Games have been providing tools to engage, retain and monetize players for developers. In this session Ben Frenkel, TI Chang and Duke Kim will (1) presen...
Mais uma Build no FORNO! Muvuca Games
Qualquer Dúvida fale com a gente pelo Twitter:. Didi Braguinha - @diogomrg. Pablo Saraiva - @pablosaraiva. Trilha do vídeo. Buddha by Kontekst.
Academy Gaming Hour w/ Insomniac Games
Check out our livestream interview with Insomniac Games as we answer fan questions and talk about Ratchet & Clank (2016). More info about the game at.