Legacy Play Thoughts on the Vanilla WoW Server Extra Credits
Legacy Play - Thoughts on the Vanilla WoW Server - Extra Credits
___________. When Activision-Blizzard took down a pirated server that had 150,000 active members (and 800,000 registered members) on the original or "vanilla" versio...
Legacy Server Changes - The Good & Bad - World of Warcraft Vanilla
What changes should be made to the Vanilla WoW for legacy servers. Blizzard has invited Mark Kern and the Nostalrius dev team for a meeting at Blizzard HQ. This brin...
Integrating Academia - Experimenting for Better Games - Extra Credits
___________. Successful high tech industries are supported by a robust academic community. but not the game industry. Academics do research that would be hard to jus...
Understanding the Witness - Mechanical Transference and You - Extra Credits
___________. In the theater beneath the windmill, Jonathan Blow hides a clip from an indie film called Nostalghia. It's directed by Andrei Tarkovsky, the same man wh...
Extra Credits - Why the Vita Failed - PlayStation's Lost Gamble
The PlayStation Vita tried to create a high end mobile gaming solution, but failed to achieve even a fraction of the sales of low end systems like the Nintendo 3DS o...
In Defense of Short Games - Worth Every Dollar - Extra Credits
___________. One of the most common critiques directed at short games, especially indie games, is that they would be better if they were "only" twice or three times...
▶Commands:. /kill @e[type=Creeper,r=10]. /kill @e[type=PrimedTnt,r=10]. ▶1.10 Server: ▶1.9 Server: ▶Social:.
World of Warcraft - Mists of Pandaria [HD] #264 Extra lang, extra gut ✼Let's Play Together✼
Ein unterhaltsames "World of Warcraft" LPT mit der Zockerrübe und TheOneHandGame - Streift mit uns durch die Lande von Azeroth und rettet mit uns die Welt. ★ Zockerü...
Vanilla WoW 12 Years Later, WHY? (Legacy, Nostalrius & Pristine)
Analysis of classic World of Warcraft mechanics and their impact on the player experience while discussing the shutdown of Nostalrius, private servers and the possib...
Vanilla 243 Private Warcraft Server Review
This is a review of the Private World of Warcraft Server: 243 Vanilla. It's a vanilla server that runs on the Burning Crusade Client..
World of Warcraft Vanilla Server! Ep. 3 (The Hogger Games!)
Hey guys. Bombor here bringing you another episode of the Vanilla series. Don't mind the ending xD my b. Have fun!. ~Links~. Server -.
Minecraft ABC's - Vanilla Swirl CTM - Part 19: Server Smashing Puns
In which we discover the destructive potential of Styles' puns 8O. Welcome to the land of Minecraftia with the Derp-Quadrio of.
Legacy & Progression World of Warcraft Server Kronos 2? Sad Times!
Legacy & Progression World of Warcraft Server Kronos 2. Sad Times!.
My Little Pony: Dr. Discord’s Conquest - Friendship is Mega - Extra Play
Once upon a time, James was browsing the shelves of a local video game shop when he stumbled upon a magical and mysterious NES CARTRIDGE and decided to SHARE it with...
Minecraft Vanilla Mods | B-TEAM IS BACK!? | Planetary Confinement Multiplayer #1 (Vanilla Mod Pack)
Welcome to Minecraft Planetary Confinement. This is a Minecraft Vanilla Mod Pack containing tons of different minecraft vanilla mods, in addition to new minecraft it...
League of Legends LoL [EXTRA 2] | Let's Play | Noob2Tube | Mehr von ULTRA RAPID FIRE
League of Legends LoL [EXTRA 2] | Let's Play | Noob2Tube | Mehr von ULTRA RAPID FIRE. Noob2Tube - League of Legends Let's Play ist wieder angesagt. |--| Ich, ein ric...
Lets Play|Gameplay|Minecraft|Minecraft Survival|Farm|Minecraft Vanilla| Feed The Beast Mod| Vanilla Mod| Minecraft Feed the beast| German|Deutsch|Gronkhs Texturen Pa...
Let's Play World of Warcraft Vanilla #005: Level Up!
Das 5 Let's Play zu World of Warcraft von meiner Seite. |--| Das alles findet auf dem Server Kronos l statt, der Link befindet sich unten. |--| Nach dem Shutdown von...
Archeage | Demonologist Game play | My thoughts up to level 40 PvP PvE
Closer look at the demonologist class, and a little pvp and pve action as I work toward level cap. Giving some of my thoughts on the speed of leveling and some of sh...
Minecraft Vanilla 1.9.4 (Let's Play) - Episode 35 - Just a Man and his Horse! (Singleplayer)
Thank you all so so much for checking out today's video, i had a ton of fun making it. If you did enjoy make sure to hit that like button and subscribe for more cont...
Let's Play World of Warcraft Vanilla #003: In Gedenken an Koiter
Das 3 Let's Play zu World of Warcraft von meiner Seite. |--| Das alles findet auf dem Server Kronos l statt, der Link befindet sich unten. |--| Nach dem Shutdown von...
Vanilla Minecraft Let's Play S2 Episode 3 - "Full Iron and a NEW Farm!"
The 3rd Episode of Vanilla Minecraft Season 2 where we get some more iron tools and armor and make a new farm. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, comment, and check ou...
CAMPING IN VANILLA MINECRAFT! | Tents & Bonfires | Only One Command (Minecraft Vanilla Mod)
Camping in Vanilla Minecraft. Welcome back to Only One Command Block, today's vanilla mod is a camping mod that allows you to get awesome tents and bonfires in your...
Sims 4 - Legacy - 51 - Let's Play
Sims 4 Let’s Play Legacy Challenge. The idea of this challenge is to start with nothing and build up your family through 10 generations. You can find the complete ru...
Sims 4 - Legacy - 52 - Let's Play
Sims 4 Let’s Play Legacy Challenge. The idea of this challenge is to start with nothing and build up your family through 10 generations. You can find the complete ru...
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