game design
The 3 Biggest Game Design Choices in World of Warcraft - Reflexive Game Design
My thoughts on what I call "reflexive game design" with the three (3) biggest game design decisions that have happened in the history of World of Warcraft. Find me o...
Uncharted 4 - #6 - Every Game a Painting - Guest Play with Josh Foreman!
Time to pull off a heist. While distracted designers chatter about environment design and gameplay, Nate and his crew start executing their plan steal the cross righ...
Hitman, and the Art of Repetition | Game Maker's Toolkit
Games shown in this episode (in order of appearance):. Hitman (iO Interactive, 2016). Batman: Arkham Knight (Rocksteady Studios, 2015). Mirror's Edge (EA DICE, 2008)...
Warframe: One-act play on Game Balance
Disclaimer: I am not a game designer, nor do i have any insight into the developers plans. Just my opinion..
Design Doc ~ How Games Convey Pain
NEW SERIES. Design Doc is a short-form lecture series that analyzes and explores various game design related topics with an emphasis on graphic design and visual com...
Code-Monkeys Magic and Magnums: Interactive Gaming with the Design Mill Torch
At GDC 2016 Design Mill, Code-Monkeys, and Kaio Interactive collaborated to create an interactive tower defense game calle Magic and Magnums. The game itself is play...
Controllers Control Everything | Game Maker's Toolkit
Games shown in this episode (in order of appearance):. Gears of War (Epic Games, 2006). Killzone Shadow Fall (Guerrilla Games, 2013). Pong (Atari, 1972). Dig Dug (Na...
Will Glow the Wisp - Devblog 16 - Non Narrative Game Progression
In this episode i talk about how the Unity input manager, can introduce bugs in your game and how non narrative game progression can be implemented in different game...
How to Make Game Levels Really Quickly [Unity] [Tiled] [Tiled2Unity]
Import spritesheet into Tiled. Create your map (separate into layers and create colliders as needed). In Tiled2Unity, Help, Import Tiled2Unity into a Unity project....
Level Design of Video Games | Hyper Light Drifter, Sci Fi Fantasy | Episode 5/12
In a series of videos we play through games and analyse their level design. In this video we play a bit of Hyper Light Drifter and look at the melding of different s...
Criação de personagens para games 2D - (Create characters for games)
Aprenda como criar personagens para os seus jogos 2D de forma simples e sem precisar saber desenhar. Além disso, você também pode:. ASSINAR O CANAL:.
Uncharted 4 - #4 - Luke Perry - Guest Play with Josh Foreman!
Nathan Drake enjoys a moment of idyllic home life while Dan and Josh enjoy several moments of analyzing water coolers and bespoke animations. Then the action ramps u...
Legacy Play - Thoughts on the Vanilla WoW Server - Extra Credits
___________. When Activision-Blizzard took down a pirated server that had 150,000 active members (and 800,000 registered members) on the original or "vanilla" versio...
Video games, Journalism and Academics: Where Are The Disconnects? with @SpaceDoctorPhD
This started as a party chatter but was such a good discussion that I made it into a Dialogue Options. Topics include gender in gaming, academic analysis of video ga...
Understanding the Witness - Mechanical Transference and You - Extra Credits
___________. In the theater beneath the windmill, Jonathan Blow hides a clip from an indie film called Nostalghia. It's directed by Andrei Tarkovsky, the same man wh...
Lange Nacht der Computerspiele Leipzig 2016
You are artist or game developer. Send us your demo. Visit and subscribe the channel for more games (retro & nextgen), walkthroughs, news, esports, reports, intervie...
Intel® Software Innovator Jon Collins
Jon Collins from Kaio Interactive has collaborated with Code-Monkeys and the Design Mills Torch to create an interactive game called Magic and Magnums. Jon talks abo...
In Defense of Short Games - Worth Every Dollar - Extra Credits
___________. One of the most common critiques directed at short games, especially indie games, is that they would be better if they were "only" twice or three times...
Psicologia e Games | Pint of Science 2016
Venha brincar no Pint of Science - São Carlos. O bate-papo "Os games na psicologia e a psicologia dos games" vai acontecer na noite de 24 de maio, a partir das 19h30...
Making Choices in Linear Games
dont worry about my game guys im learning flash as we speak. There are Walking Dead spoilers at the start if you look closely at the screen, Mass Effect 3 spoilers a...
Игры для Программистов (Old-Games.RU Podcast №39)(часть 2)
Вторая часть передачи про игры с элементами программирования. В ней вы узнаете про одну из первых игр на Macintosh, боевых роботов на Playstation с неожиданной для с...
Windowframe | Vampires In My Computer | GDPG
Who knew that these game mechanics were hiding in front of us this whole time. |--| ■ Subscribe to Game Devs Play Games.
Games and Philosophy: Shadow of the Colossus and the Teleological Suspension of the Ethical
Second in a series of gaming video essays, this one focusing on philosophy. You ever wondered how Soren Kierkegaard's theory of the teleological of the ethical fits...
Integrating Academia - Experimenting for Better Games - Extra Credits
___________. Successful high tech industries are supported by a robust academic community. but not the game industry. Academics do research that would be hard to jus...
Why is League of Legends so Popular/Addicting/Fun?
Thank you very much for watching. To stay up to date with me and all my content, be sure to like me on Facebook and. Twitter. If you'd like to contact me for busines...
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