What i like and what i hate about league of legends
What i like and what i hate about league of legends
want to see what will be happening then follow my twitter or tumblr. @faithinmarigold. faithinmarigold.tumblr.com. credit for the boob jokes goes to hope tanks m8.
Why I hate League of Legends
This video is dedicated to all the LP lost because of trolls. |--| Never Forget.
WHY I HATE URF | League of Legends
The footage and images shown in the video were for critical review and parody, protected under fair use laws. If you feel that I have infringed any copyright laws th...
5 Champs I hate in league of Legends
Today I discuss the 5 champions I go crazy when I see them.
8 Reasons Why I HATE SKINS | League of Legends
In this video I talk shit about skins and gambling and hextech crafting. I also tell you about my secret addiction for minions and milk. If you want to check out how...
7 Champs You Hate Playing With AND Against - League of Legends
A look at some of the most frustrating champions to see on both the enemy team and your team. Not really that serious, please don't rage. ➥Enjoy the video. SUBSCRIBE...
League of Legends - Ultra Rapid Fire Gamemode: I Really Hate Ekko
I really do. He's my bane when it comes to U.R.F matches. Anyway we've got a couple matches for you guys to see, we really stick to our channel name with these ones....
I hate Shen - League of Legends Ranked Solo Queue Highlights
This is my first time playing against a Shen as Renekton, and I really do not like laning against him. twitter:.
This is why, I HATE this game! | Stream Highlights/Catch-up [Gross Gore] League of Legends
[LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for every more daily highlights!]. I stream League of legends, going for challenger, tell stories & build my community on HitBox, please sign up &...
Why League Players HATE Teemo
Thanks for the support Plebs. If you'd like to contact me for business or submit a video idea you can do so at gbay99.management@gmail.com. Computer built by ProBuil...
What's The Hate For?
Hey folks. |--| This is a personal opinion based video weighing in on a topic I was gonna avoid but felt like I should give my point of view on the subject Since I'v...
Why I hate: URF
what do you guys think. do you agree with me. pray for these peple ok. Follow all my things. Twitter -.
I really hate this game sometimes.
I should of parked it somewhere else. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City®.
I Now Hate Garry's Mod
Guess What. I Don't Like Garry's Mod Anymore. HAHAHAHA. TRICKED YA. I STILL LIKE GARRY'S MOD WITH A BURNING PASSION. Credit To Everyone!.
HIT DAT LIKE 4 MORE STORIEZZZZ :D. ❤Expand me❤. Twitch ➡.
Minecraft #1| THE MOBS HATE ME!!!!!
i got minecraft the demo actually and EVERY MOBS ARE COMING OUT OF NOWHERE WHY WHY WHY Anyway pls subscribe. twitter google+ and facebook for face book type in ibrah...
➡ About My Channel. Hey everyone, it's your friend Thinknoodles and welcome to my YouTube channel. Join me, my dog Kopi and other friends on our adventures in video...
Why I Hate: Morgana spotlight
Use promo code: ROSS for a 10% discount. Follow on Twitch:.
Why I Hate: Riven Spotlight
Snapchat: Rossboomsocks. Did you seriously check the description to see if my fears and shit were here. The german balloon trick:.
Today, we get an inside look of Santa's Workshop, but today, a small child named Kevin wasn't so happy that he was put on the naughty list. Kevin gets his army of Na...
[Hearthstone] I Hate Deathwing
Deathwing is higher on my salt chart than pyroblast. Thats all. Rate, comment, and subscribe!.
10 Things GTA 5 Players HATE
10 Things Grand Theft Auto 5 (PS3/4, Xbox 360/One, PC) hate. |--| Do you play GTA5. Do you have a better alternative. Let's talk in the comments. SUBSCRIBE for more:...
Rihanna - Hate That I Love You ft. Ne-Yo
Music video by Rihanna performing Hate That I Love You. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 57,208,048. (C) 2007 The Island Def Jam Music Group.
The sims 4: -(Part 1) Why does everyone hate us?
Hey guys, it me Kitty. Today I am back with another series. I am really excited for this series. I kind of want this series to be the series my channel is known for....
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