WUKONG PROTOBELT League of Legends
WUKONG PROTOBELT - League of Legends
Ok, wukong protobelt in aram. ~paulyaul. Watch My Beediohs.
WUKONG TOP IS SO GOOD !! Wukong Top Full Game Commentary! (League of Legends)
Some Season 6 WUKONG TOP. :D Hope you guys enjoyed. My Second channel.
Protobelt Fizz is OP!! - League of Legends
Hello Guys. My name is ShinyUrf. I used to have a channel named MercilessX, but it got quite old and apparently died because of the switch of content. But now I'm ba...
5 Strongest OP Champions Hextech Protobelt League of Legends. 'Like' if you enjoyed & want MORE
Lux double lasers with Protobelt | League of Legends
I post league of legends videos daily, thank you for watching. Credits to SexyBabe69.
Hextech ProtoBelt Katarina (43 kills!) - League of Legends
Decided to try Hextech Protobelt on Katarina, ended up getting full build by 26 minutes and 43 kills. Don't forget to like and subscribe. Song used: Marina And The D...
Protobelt Diana URF is Broken - League of Legends U.R.F. Mode 2016
I am Dookey Lukey, and this is just a gameplay video of Diana in URF mode for League of Legends. Diana is amazing in this game type, and the new item Hextech Protobe...
URF 2016 PROTOBELT AHRI | PERMA TAUNT?! - League of Legends
URF IS BACK. Ahri can permanently taunt. - If you can hit the taunt of course :^). If you enjoyed the video don't forget to like and comment "LozoSquad ♥" to show yo...
Did a quick video showcasing the new annie stun indicator+tibbers interaction when stunning a champion coming with the up coming mid season mage update. Also include...
PROTOBELT SORAKA JUNGLE! - League of Legends Patch 6.9 - Full Gameplay Commentary
Hey everyone, I wanted to do some Jungle Taliyah gameplay but it's so hard to get her on PBE that getting a game good enough to commentate was incredibly difficult....
League of Legends #URF#Wukong#01
Hier seht ihr ein gutes Spiel mit Wukong (brocken in URF). Leider noch ohne Ton, ändert sich ab den nächsten Video. Viel Spaß und Abbo nicht vergessen..
League of Legends One for All Wukong w/NinjaCosta
Warning: this video contains inappropriate jokes and comments. I am very sorry for how late the video is, a lot of stuff turned up and I didn't have much time to up...
SOME WUKONG, SOME VI - League of Legends | Aulkedit 34
Just a small edit of some urf wukong and normal vi plays, enjoy ;). Music From The Youtube Audio Library:. Tremsz - Gunnar Olsen. ~paulyaul. Watch My Beediohs.
League of legends: teemo vs Wukong S6
hi everyone. |--| League of legends: teemo vs Wukong S6 solo top. game end: 9/2/5. Full Game playlist:.
[FR] Guide League of legends de A à Z - Wukong
A lire :. Dans cette vidéo je vous présente les compétences de Wukong et je vous conseille les objets, runes et maitrises qui peuvent vous être utiles. |--| - Donnez...
League of Legends URF Wukong juke
Musique: Kick The Habit - Bitches (JOE ZAY Remix).
League Of Legends URF 02 - Xerath Wukong
Lindo día de URF con Jasin. PD: Mas adelante pondré audio y cam. Nota: Este vídeo no pretende demostrar ninguna skill build etc. Es un entretenimiento que quiero com...
League Of Legends URF 01 - Sona Wukong
PD: Mas adelante pondré audio y cam. Nota: Este vídeo no pretende demostrar ninguna skill build etc. Es un entretenimiento que quiero compartir con quien quiera verl...
Wukong is op haha (sorry for the lag). My Second channel -.
League of Legends HS : Special URF 2016 #1 - Pro Wukong
Bien le bonjour tous le monde c'est Dicerino ;-). Et voici ma quatrième video sur League of Legends et ma première video Hors-Série sur cette chaine. Si tu as aimé r...
League of Legends: Ascension #6- BEST WUKONG NA (a.k.a. NotAvailable)
My sixth League of Legends Ascension video. I hope you enjoy the video and make sure to SMASH that Like button. (NEW LET'S PLAY COMING NEXT WEEK!!). Check out some o...
URF WUKONG IS BUSTED | Gameplay | League of Legends
Yo SCREW HIGHLIGHTS we can actually do these URF gameplays because they are really short, more to come in the future. Runes & Masteries:.
League Of Legends 1 VS 1 Marathon WUKONG #52 Video
Thanks for watching. Tags: League of Legends on Android, League of Legends beta android, LOL for android, LOL for apple, LOL for Iphone, League of Legends on Iphone,...
League of Legends - Placement Hell Wukong
LIKE because you welcome our Planet of the Apes overlords. twitter.
HOLY WUKONG !! THIS IS INSANE!! (League of Legends)
Wukong is broken, Wukong is love, Wukong is life. My Second channel.
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