Showing off my Renekton to a herd of kids League of Legends Normals Highlights
Showing off my Renekton to a herd of kids - League of Legends Normals Highlights
Please Ignore or flag spam, negative, or hateful comments. We're here to have a good time. Thanks everyone, and enjoy..
Showing off my Renekton to a kid - League of Legends Ranked Duo Queue Highlights
I was playing with this kid in my last video, and he wanted to duo with me, so I agreed. He wanted to see my Renekton, so I had no choice but to show him. twitter:.
League of Legends: Normals!
Tonight I fully streamed LoL, playing with friends mostly going a solid 3-1 win/loss. It was fun but frustrating, being that I dont play mage supports that often I'm...
League of Legends ~ Normals with friends!
Finally figured out how to stream League of Legends and not lag my ass off!. yaaaay!!. First official LoL stream. Let the salt and tilt begin!!. -- Watch live at.
League of Legends Normals : Lucian ADC #1
Just a League Normal with Ash and Will (Ashurri and Trandunz). I went 21/3/10 (I know right :D) and basically destroyed the other team. Dominating in lane and not ev...
BIGGEST STEGO HERD EVER | The Isle Stego Herd VS T Rex Pack | Stegosaurus Gameplay ( Early access )
Welcome to what has to be the BIGGEST STEGO HERD EVER on The Isle, We ended up fighting a T-Rex pack and well.. Watch the video to see what a stegosaurus can really...
League of Legends - Live Stream 3 - Normals
Hey Guys, Thanks for watching my Video. I love making video, especially when it comes to The lord of the rings online. I also make videos of things that interest me....
League of Legends Live Stream 4 - Normals
Hey Guys, Thanks for watching my Video. I love making video, especially when it comes to The lord of the rings online. I also make videos of things that interest me....
Rengar Jungle (Normals) - League of Legends
I know I make a lot of mistakes, but it's just for fun :).
League of Legends Normals - #11 First Time Draven feat. Eric
Servus Leude,. heute etwas künsterlische Freiheit :D. Ich hoffe das Video gefällt euch es steckt echt ordentlich Arbeit drin und allein auf die Idee zu kommen ist ni...
Showing off Leblanc! League of Legends Full Match!
Welcome back folks. Today I show off Leblanc, my new champion I bought in League of Legends. I hope you enjoy and stay tuned for more. Sit back and enjoy. |--| Music...
Showing off Leblanc! League of Legends Champion Spotlight!
Welcome back folks. Today I will show you guys the awesome abilities of Leblanc in League of Legends. I hope you guys enjoy and make sure to like, comment, and subsc...
League of Legends #24 | Renekton der Feeder
Hey Leute,. ich hoffe euch gefällt das Video, wenn dies so ist, dann lasst auf jeden Fall ein Like und ein Abo da, das würde mich sehr freuen und unterstützt mich na...
Aqui os dejo otro video chicos espero lo disfruten y bueno si os gusto dale Like y Suscribanse. Suscribanse:.
URF mode Renekton - Season 6 - League of Legends
URF mode Renekton Season 6 League of Legends. Runes: AD reds AD quints Armor yellows MR blues. Masteries: 18/0/12 Fervor of Battle. Enjoy the video. Please Like and...
FULL AD RENEKTON 1 V 5 !!! Patch 6.9 ( League of Legends )
Learn about league here. LiveStream.
League Of Legends Renekton Gameplay Türkçe
Arkadaşlar bugün League Of Legends oynadım umarım videoyu beğenmişsinizdir hoşçakalın..
NUEVO LORE DE NASUS Y RENEKTON. CÓMO ASCENDIERON Y EL ORIGEN DE SU RIVALIDAD!. Échale un vistazo a mis otros vídeos, puede que te gusten :D. ♣ Facebook:.
Renekton URF is Beast - URF gameplay - League of legends
I just played Renekton on the URF mode for the first time.And DAMN HE IS BEAST. You guys should try him.Sorry for the gameplay sound.Me and my friends were talking s...
League of Legends - RENEKTON TOP GAMEPLAY - O REI DO TOP ! - SEASON 6 - [ PT-BR ]
League of Legends - RENEKTON TOP GAMEPLAY - O REI DO TOP. -SEASON 6 - [ PT-BR ]. ________________________________________________________. PÁGINA DO CANAL NO FACEBOO...
Tower hitting a flying Renekton? | League of Legends
Don't forget to subscribe, it would really really help alot. Official Facebook page:.
Renekton or Nasus - Subs Choice - League of Legends
I'll be making a pro Korean guide soon, It's gonna be over Renekton or Nasus, you guys are so good to me, I figured I would let you choose. Just let me know down in...
Urgot vs Renekton top | League of Legends patch 5.24 season 6
I play the Battlecast Urgot dude. He's pretty damn cool!.
[League Of Legends] MONTAGE RENEKTON ASCENSION by LumanStrike 6
Aquí un video de League Of Legends, espero que os guste. Like y Fav ayudan :D. SUSCRIBETE!.
SO die 60. Folge des Teams Spandauer Inferno. |--| Die Folge vom Freitag biiiissschen spät dran Kappa. Es werden jetzt wöchentlich 3 Folgen Spandauer Inferno kommen:...
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