Review surpresas na cápsula com Julia Silva
ApocaBox April 2016 Review
ApacoBox is a Bi-Monthly Subscription Box that specializes in Survival Gear, Info and products. as well as kits and projects that build survival skills. This unique...
Griffin Survivor for iPad Air Review
The Griffin Survivor for iPad Air is one of the most protective iPad Air cases that you will find. This case protects against 6 foot drops on cement and is dust proo...
Lone Survivor | Movie Review
LIKE THIS VIDEO IF YOU LOVE AMERICA. - In this video, I review the movie "Lone Survivor". I also give my rating & opinion about the movie. (No Spoilers). Thank you f...
Battlefield Hardline Angry Review
Want an in depth detailed explanation for why Battlefield Hardline Sucks. With extensive opinion on multiplayer. Look no further than this 40 minute Angry Review det...
Brink im Test / Review von (HD)
Im Test-Video zeigen wir, ob Brink von Splash Damage und Bethesda neue Impulse im Genre der Mehrspieler-Shooter geben kann.. Auszug aus dem Test:. Der Multiplayer-Sh...
Serious Sam 3: BFE - Ab-18-Test / Review von (Gameplay
Unser Ab-18-Testvideo zu Serious Sam 3: BFE mit kommentierten Gameplay-Szenen.. Mehr zu Serious Sam 3: BFE auf
Far Cry 2 - Test / Review von GameStar (Archiv: 10/08)
Ein Video aus unserem GameStar-Archiv jetzt auch auf Youtube: Im Test-Video zu Far Cry 2 zeigt Petra Schmitz eine typische Mission und gibt ein abschließendes Fazit...
Hunted im Test / Review von (HD)
Dass das Action-Rollenspiel Hunted: Die Schmiede der Finsternis trotz einiger Schwächen gerade im Koop-Modus durchaus spaßig ist, erklären wir im Test. Auszug aus de...
AMD's new Fury X with HBM Memory | Performance Review
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PowerColor PCS+ R9 390X Benchmarks and Review
The Radeon 300 series from AMD is finally here, and while it may already have its thunder stolen by team red's top-dog Fury line, the 390X still offers smooth quad H...
Elite: Dangerous - The Long Review
My comprehensive review and guide of Elite: Dangerous. Email: [email protected]. Twitter:.
The Sims FreePlay Android review
Hey guys the sims FreePlay is now on my channel if my Google play games don't shut off after it and don't mess up leave a like comment and subscribe for more the sim...
League of Legends: Patch 6.10 (Review)
Patch 6.10 is out, bringing Taliyah to the live servers (who I am eager to try out myself), as well as a few understandable changes to some of the dragon buffs. Howe...
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Review
Elk jaar worden miljoenen First-Person Shooter fans opgewonden wanneer er een nieuwe Call of Duty uit komt. Ook dit jaar is dat niet anders en JJ was de man die naar...
Review Laptop Asus Gaming!!!
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LG G Flex 2 Gaming Test/Review
Please leave a like and consider subscribing to the channel for more content. Cheers. Patreon: Would you like your product .. Playing some of the top graphic Android...
Circle CC 840 Gaming Cabinet | Review
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VR Space: The Last Mission – VR Game Review
There is a lot of talk about virtual reality right now, and while the HTC Vive and Oculus are the big players, Google Cardboard still has some power. XDA TV Host TK...
Overwatch - Hot Pepper Game Review
Now you finally know what our editor looks like. Adam Perez of Hot Pepper Gaming reviews Overwatch by Blizzard, directly after eating a habanero pepper, obviously. N...
Destiny | Last Extremity Gameplay Review
Time to take another beautiful scout rifle into the crucible for a spin. Slower firing than I would probably like, but if you nail your headshots with this weapon, y...
"The Door" - Game of Thrones Fan Review Ep. 5 Sea. 6
I don't like to leave a description here. It was an emotional episode how's that:) This review is a little long.
Game of Thrones Season 6 Ep 5 Review
Akton Tamko's Recap, Analysis and Review of the crazy episode that was Season 6 Episode 5, "The Door". Join Akton and his brother Marc from Enchantment of Eternity f...
Gaming Culture : Review scores, what do they mean?
Are review scores relevant these days. In the face of an ever-changing medium, does a simple score still have meaning. Or better yet, did it ever have any meaning at...
Battleborn [Review] - TecMundo Games
Battleborn mistura três gêneros em um só game. MOBA, FPS e RPG se encontraram neste game dos mesmos desenvolvedores da série Borderlands. Mas será que ele é divertid...
My review of Sims 4 create a Sim demo
Hi guys, I got a free demo of the Sims 4 create a Sim and thought I would give a review of it comparing it to Sims 1-3. My personal favorite is...
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