Pokémon Cards Pokemon EX Series Value Pack Opening
Pokémon Cards - Pokemon EX Series Value Pack Opening!
Let us know what you guys think, and remember to Like, Comment, and Subscribe for more Pokémon cards and competitive Pokémon TCG content. Shoutout to my man Kevin Kr...
Pokémon Cards - Fates Collide Froakie 3 Pack Blister Opening Battle vs Pokemon Excavation!
Let us know what you guys think, and remember to Like, Comment, and Subscribe for more Pokémon cards and competitive Pokémon TCG content. Shoutout to my man Kevin Kr...
Pokemon Cards Opening of a Target 3 Pack Blister Pack
Today's Pokemon Cards opening is a blister pack with 3 booster packs and a holo Klink promo card. The Packs included are 1 XY Phantom Forces pack, 1 XY Furious Fists...
Opening 3 Packs of Pokemon Cards from a Target Blister Pack
Today's Pokemon Cards opening is a blister pack with 3 booster packs and a holo Grass Energy card. The Packs included are 1 XY Furious Fists pack, 1 Black & White Pl...
Opening a Pokemon Cards Promo Blister Pack with 2 Booster Packs & 3 Promo Cards
Today's Pokémon Cards opening features a promotional blister pack from Target with 2 booster packs (1 XY BREAKthrough pack and 1 XY Ancient Origins pack), 3 promo ca...
Pokémon Cards - Random Pack Opening with Lukas! | Father & Sonday #6!
Let us know what you guys think, and remember to Like, Comment, and Subscribe for more Pokémon cards and competitive Pokémon TCG content. Shoutout to my man Kevin Kr...
Pokemon Cards - BreakPoint Pack Opening Battle vs The Mega Evolution Guru!
Let us know what you guys think, and remember to Like, Comment, and Subscribe for more Pokemon cards and competitive Pokemon TCG content. Shoutout to my man Kevin Kr...
Pokémon Cards - 2nd Place League Challenge Winning Pack Opening with Lukas! | Father & Sonday #5
Hello Pokémon Fans. Welcome to another episode of Father & Sonday where Lukas and I open packs together every Sunday. Today we open up some random XY packs I won for...
Pokemon Cards- Opening up an AMAZING Darkrai Pokemon Mythical Collection Box!
Today we are opening up a Darkrai Mythical Collection Box. Since it's Mother's Day make sure to wish your mom a happy Mother's Day. Enjoy the video. We are currently...
Pokemon Cards - Manaphy Mythical Pokemon Collection Box Opening
Today's Pokemon Cards opening features the new Manaphy Mythical Pokemon Collection Box. It includes 2 Generations booster packs, a PTCGO code card, a full art Manaph...
Pokemon Pack Daily Furious Fists Booster Opening Day 368 - Featuring Karlos Pokemon
be sure to check their channel and subscribe to them!) is our guest contributor and is opening a booster pack of XY Furious Fists. Don't know what Pokemon Pack Daily...
Pokemon Cards - Machamp EX Tin Opening
This is a great way to come back to opening Pokemon Cards. ▄▀■ *SUBSCRIBE!* ■▀▄.
Pokemon Cards - Ash-Greninja EX Box Opening
Not 100% sure what an Ash-Greninja is, if you know then fill me in. ▄▀■ *SUBSCRIBE!* ■▀▄.
Opening 10 FAKE Packs of Pokemon Cards!
Here recently, I went to a flea market and bought a pack of Pokemon cards only to later find out they were fake. The cards in these fake Pokemon X and Y Roaring skie...
Pokemon Cards - 10 Breakpoint Booster Opening
Go Cart (Electronic Medium) by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (.
Pokemon Cards Shiny Xerneas EX Tin Opening!
Today we open the Shiny Xerneas EX Tin. Which of the 3 tins is your favorite. |--| Join me on my ultimate goal of 100k subscribers and a twitch partnership. twitch.
Pokemon Cards- Opening a FAbulous Pyroar Box!
Today we are opening up a Pyroar Box. This box contains 3 foil promo card, 3 packs, and a code card. Hope you all enjoy this opening, thanks for watching. We are cur...
Opening a Darkrai Mythical Collection Box! | Pokemon Cards
We’ve been super busy (with Pokemon stuff and real life!) but we are finally tackling our Darkrai Mythical Pokemon Collection box. Does this month’s mythical Pokemon...
Pokemon Fates Collide Booster Pack Trading Game Cards
Selection of varied Pokemon Cards Booster Packs Opening and Having Great Surprises Inside!!.
Pokemon Cards! Opening Fates Collide Blisters VS YBS Games!
Hello boys, girls, and others. Today we'll be opening these two awesome Checklane Blisters in a pack battle against our good friend YBS Games. Please go subscribe to...
Pokemon Cards - Zygarde EX Shiny Kalos Trio Tin Opening!
Hello Pokemon Fans. Today we have a Zygarde EX Shiny Kalos Tin opening for you guys. Be sure to check out the Shiny Yveltal EX Kalos Tin and the Shiny Xerneas Kalos...
Pokemon Cards - Fates Collide Booster Box Opening | PART 3 of 4
For more Pokemon card videos and other crud. ▄▀■ *FOLLOW MY CRUD!* ■▀▄. Twitter:.
Pokemon Cards - 2nd Fates Collide Booster Box Opening | PART 4 of 4
For more Pokemon card videos and other crud. ▄▀■ *FOLLOW MY CRUD!* ■▀▄. Twitter:.
Pokemon Cards! Opening a Mega Aerodactyl Ex Premium Collection Box!
Hello boys, girls, and others. Today we'll be opening Mega Aerodactyl Ex Box. Enjoy. Proud to be aToysMCN Partner. |--| Click this link to become one today:.
Pokemon Cards- Opening up a FAntastic Zygarde Pin Blister | MUST WATCH!
Today we are opening up a Zygarde Pin Blister. This product retails for $14.99 and comes with 3 booster packs and a pin. If you aren't already make sure you follow u...
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