LotLD Grab them quickly Daily Challenge 30 5 2016 PC in 0 19 33 150 Lums
LotLD:Grab them quickly!(Daily Challenge,30/5/2016,PC) in 0'19"33(150 Lums)
Rayman Legends,Daily Challenge from May 30th 2016.(PC/Sony Playstation 3/Microsoft Xbox360/Nintendo WiiU). Such a good run and not a frustrating layout at all today....
(WR/WRS)LotLD:Grab them quickly!(Daily Challenge,4/6/2016,PC) in 0'18"21/0'17"86(150 Lums)
Rayman Legends,Daily Challenge from June 4th 2016.(PC/Sony Playstation 3/Microsoft Xbox360/Nintendo WiiU). Very hard challenge,atleast for getting a good score and i...
LotLD:Grab them quickly!(Daily Extreme-Challenge,23/5/2016,PC) in 0'32"96(200 Lums)
Rayman Legends,Daily Extreme-Challenge from May 23rd 2016.(PC/Sony Playstation 3/Microsoft Xbox360/Nintendo WiiU). Very good run,but not perfect.Still I grinded way...
(WR)LotLD:Grab them quickly!(Daily Extreme-Challenge,3/6/2016,PC) in 0'32"83(200 Lums)
Rayman Legends,Daily Extreme-Challenge from June 3rd 2016.(PC/Sony Playstation 3/Microsoft Xbox360/Nintendo WiiU). Pretty good run and not a too frustrating layout a...
(WR)LotLD:Get there quickly!(Daily Extreme-Challenge,25/5/2016,PC) in 0'20"81/0'20"68(300m)
Rayman Legends,Daily Extreme-Challenge from May 25th 2016.(PC/Sony Playstation 3/Microsoft Xbox360/Nintendo WiiU). I'm very happy with both runs.The first run was go...
The Neverending Pit:Get there quickly!(Daily Challenge,1/6/2016,PC) in 0'08"98(250m)
Rayman Legends,Daily Challenge from June 1st 2016.(PC/Sony Playstation 3/Microsoft Xbox360/Nintendo WiiU). First of all,I cooped earlier just for fun and my score wa...
(WR)The Infinite Tower:Get there quickly!(Daily Extreme-Challenge,2/6/2016,PC) in 0'24"69(250m)
Rayman Legends,Daily Extreme-Challenge from June 2nd 2016.(PC/Sony Playstation 3/Microsoft Xbox360/Nintendo WiiU). Very good run in a very challenging tower. Sorry f...
Rayman Legends Daily Challenge 2/5/16 - Land lums - 19"58/19"41 (solo co-op)
I think this land is more co-op heavy than the last one I showed 2 days ago. or I did better. I'm not the greatest at land lums, but my solo co-op definitely gets me...
Rayman Legends Daily Challenge 30/4/15 - Land lums - 21"28 (solo co-op)
I'm proud of this run and it's also the first time I've tried to co-op land lums. A co-op between Rayman and Raymesis I think is funny. I know it's simple co-op. but...
Rayman Legends,WR,Daily Pit Lums
Really Perfect Run Here Which Makes Me Super Proud. |--| Since Uncharted 4 Is Officially Out,This Will Be My Last Video Of Rayman For Some Time. |--| I Will Upload U...
Rayman Legends Daily Land Lums (30/4/16) 21"04
Decent run. I think the beginning can be improved and the end can be a little faster :D. [TIPS]. 0:15 YBY here and try to do a spin dash. Trust me, might be difficul...
Rayman legends, daily challenge of 2016-05-08: 9s60
Rayman legends, daily challenge of 2016-05-08: 9s60. I wanted sub 9.70 video cause i didn't think i would have beaten my ghost (9s63), but i beat it. (and maybe agai...
Rayman legends, daily challenge of 2016-04-22: 15s29
Rayman legends, daily challenge of 2016-04-22: 15s29 (ghost of 15s23). My ghost failed the first bumper by 1-2 frames but he has a very fast climb i was not able to...
Rayman Legends Extreme Challenge 23/4/16 - The Dojo - 456 lums
Sorry about my lack of uploads. I took about a month off from this game, but now I am playing challenges again. Though not too heavily, I'm not going crazy with solo...
Rayman legends, daily extreme challenge of 2016-05-07: 11s74
Happy with this time. First complete with all tricks but it's very hard to get a complete here. |--| And getting flop instant + gp instant at the end = very hard / r...
Rayman Legends (PS3) Dojo - 14.18 (solo) (Daily Challenge 22/5/2016)
Just a reminder to everyone - I have been keeping track of best times for each dojo room. Feel free to share the link (below). At the moment, Jones is doing an incre...
Rayman Legends - Daily Extreme Challenge 03/05/2016 (Gold Cup/Diamond Cup)
Rayman Legends. Daily Extreme Challenge 03/05/2016. Gold Cup/Diamond Cup. A little tricky pit. I did here better than I expected anyway. Sub is possible. For me, rat...
Need for Speed 2016 Honda Civic 2000 "Event Owner: One For All" Daily Challenge Run
ShadowPlay Record: Need for Speed 05 10 2016 10 22 59 23.
BED BUGS Family Game Night Challenge + Toy Grab Disney Cars Shopkins & My Little Pony
Bed Bugs board game challenge and fun family game night kids game toy review. DisneyCarToys Sandra and Spidey do a toy review and play with the Bed Bugs game. We the...
Rayman Legends Daily Challenge 28/4/16 - Pit speed, 6"23 (solo co-op)
Solo co-oped to rank #1. let's see if it stays. (Edit: lol, morons disliking. won't stop me!). (Edit 2: WOOHOO I got 1st!!!).
Vine Compilation 2016 - Daily Fails - Funniest Vines 2016
Daily Fails, funniest videos in vine compilation 2016. Original vine links:. Amazing jump by this cat. #fail Follow for more fails daily.
Writing Quick Code in C++, Quickly
Day 1 - Contemporary computer architectures make it possible for slow code to work reasonably well. They also make it difficult to write really fast code that exploi...
The Sims Freeplay- Tip for Making Social Points Quickly
This video will show you a quick tip for making social points without needing to visit neighbours to complete social tasks. |--| Need LPs. Watch my Earning LPs Quick...
Stormo's Daily Gaming News - May 19, 2016
IGN saves Gametrailers archive | Return to Arkham announced | EA renews Coldwood partnership | Trailer for The Song of Seven. The Song of Seven website:.
Stormo's Daily Gaming News - May 17, 2016
Dark Souls III PC patch pulled | XBox One backwards compatibility now supports multi-disc games | System Shock remaster coming to Kickstarter | Trailer for Fabular....
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