League of Legends Match 71 Season 6 Braum HD
League of Legends | Match #71 | Season 6 | Braum [HD]
★ Fakten ★. Gespielter Champion: [Braum]. Liga: [Silver - Divison II]. Spielausgang: [Victory]. ★ League of Legends ★ . Genre: MOBA. Entwickler: N/A. Publisher: Riot...
League of Legends | Match #62 | Season 6 | Braum [HD]
★ Fakten ★. Gespielter Champion: [Braum]. Liga: [Silver - Divison II]. Spielausgang: [Victory]. ★ League of Legends ★ . Genre: MOBA. Entwickler: N/A. Publisher: Riot...
GorillaWaxer [EUNE] Dragonslayer Braum support - Silver 5 - League of Legends - Season 6
Playing Braum support vs Thresh. Worth to watch. Really awesome match :).
Braum - Cena | Braum Montage | League of Legends
Braum Montage | League of Legends. Subscribe for more videos and gameplays. Check out my Facebook page:.
Doublelift as Lucian Braum vs Ezreal | League Of Legends Lucian Braum Guide Full Gameplay
Doublelift as Lucian Braum vs Ezreal | League Of Legends Lucian Braum Guide Full Gameplay. Lol pro players, lol s6 gameplay, lol s6 guide, lol s6 build,.
Doublelift as Jinx Braum vs Vayne | League Of Legends Jinx Braum Guide Full Gameplay
Doublelift as Jinx Braum vs Vayne | League Of Legends Jinx Braum Guide Full Gameplay. Lol pro players, lol s6 gameplay, lol s6 guide, lol s6 build,.
Doublelift as Vaynee Braum vs Ezreal | League Of Legends Vaynee Braum Guide Full Gameplay
Doublelift as Vaynee Braum vs Ezreal | League Of Legends Vaynee Braum Guide Full Gameplay. Lol pro players, lol s6 gameplay, lol s6 guide, lol s6 build,.
Doublelift as Vayne Braum vs Lucian | League Of Legends Vayne Braum Guide Full Gameplay
Doublelift as Vayne Braum vs Lucian | League Of Legends Vayne Braum Guide Full Gameplay. Lol pro players, lol s6 gameplay, lol s6 guide, lol s6 build,.
League of Legends | Braum Vs Braum [GER]
Mein erstes League of Legends Video auf diesem Kanal. |--| Ich habe ganz schön lange dafür gebraucht, da ich jetzt noch sehr unerfahren in Sachen Video Editing bin....
League of Legends | Match #66 | Season 6 | Morgana [HD]
★ Fakten ★. Gespielter Champion: [Morgana]. Liga: [Silver - Divison II]. Spielausgang: [Defeat]. ★ League of Legends ★ . Genre: MOBA. Entwickler: N/A. Publisher: Rio...
League of Legends | Match #68 | Season 6 | Leona [HD]
★ Fakten ★. Gespielter Champion: [Leona]. Liga: [Silver - Divison II]. Spielausgang: [Defeat]. ★ League of Legends ★ . Genre: MOBA. Entwickler: N/A. Publisher: Riot...
URF VEIGAR MIRROR MATCH | League of Legends urf 2016 Season 6
Hello and welcome to my Youtube Gaming channel "Tryndamere Windamere". As you can see from my channel name I'm a heavy player of League of Legends and my main champi...
League of Legends #46 Braum
Adresse e-mail : [email protected]. Pensez à me suivre pour savoir la sortie d'autres vidéos sur différents jeux dont celui-ci, à mettre un "pouce bleu" ça fait...
League of Legends Braum Sup
Mais uma partida de League of Legends quase perdemos mais no fim GG de nossa equipe..
League of Legends RO --Braum Termopan OP-- (ep.09)
Salutare lume, eu sunt SliderKP si bine v-am regasit la episodul 9 din seria de League of Legends, de data asta este un meci cu support, si ne apropiem cu pasi repez...
League of Legends Lucian- Braum is gg
Hi people, i am silver but it's happy .D. Si tenes alguna duda solo decidla, tambien agradeceria alguna critica o alguna recomendacion :D.
Stand behind braum! #league of legends
Please like, share and subscribe if you like it we really need your support and if you didn't like it feel free do dislike and not subscribe. |--| Link for the music...
League Of Legends - Braum - Ranked
Playing Braum with a sprained wrist, scuh fun. Patch 6.10. Season 6. Runes:.
Braum with Lucian - League of Legends
Please Subscribe and Thank you for watching my videos. BRTLM Moments. Subscribe.
League of Legends- Baron with every Champ-Braum- 9/130
Thank you for watching. I hope you enjoyed♥. like and subscribe for more. Music by Riot.
League Of Legends - Support&Adc - Braum - 6.9 - Normal
Perdón, por el audio, pero fue una prueba :D Espero y les guste..
League of Legends | Braum Support - Unranked S6
Maybe the best Braum in the EUW Kappa Keepo. Subscribe for more gameplays and don't forget to like and share. And if you have specific game in mind, leave a comment...
BRAUM PERMA URF STUN!!!- League of Legends
Braum in URF= PERMA STUN!!!. |--| -Fear the Mustache-.
champs with alot of cc are amazing in urf. if your able to spam ability which slow stun or snar in urf mode than you have the right champ. i attempted full ap braum...
Braum Supp | Ranked Patch 6.3 | League of Legends: #90
League of Legends German Ranked Gameplay. Lets Play Ranked LoL:. Playlist. Mehr Folgen League of Legends Ranked 5vs5 von Kreissäge:. Hi Community Ich alias Kreissäge...
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