Hearthstone MartaChan Card collection May 2016
Hearthstone - MartaChan Card collection - May 2016
if you like please subscribe and leave comments. if you dont like or you are offended by some of my videos please let me know first and send me a message. If necessa...
My current Hearthstone card collection.
Just a quick flick through my current Hearthstone card collection. Didn't leave much time on each page, that's what pause is for :p -- Watch live at.
Hearthstone Golden Card Collection part 1
Here is part 1 of a video showing my golden hearthstone cards. Please let me know what you think.
HearthStone Tavern Brawl - May 12th 2016 - 2 Card Combo ( done two ways )
More two card combo. A new variant on HearthStone tavern brawl (i think - its new for me anyway). Here i play two different combos. Starting with 2 low cost spells,...
Card-by-card drafting guide for Hearthstone!
My Fates Collide Pokemon Card Collection
My Fates Collide Pokemon card collection is shown in this video. This includes a complete set of all EX, EX Full Art, Mega EX, Mega EX Full Art, Full Art trainer, BR...
Hearthstone Tavern Brawl May 11, 2016 2 Card Combo 100% Win Rate Mage Deck AWESOME FUN!
This 2 card deck combo with mage is super fun this week. The trick is to save all your Ice Lances until you can do enough damage to them. Also use your hero ability...
Officer Replaces Child's Stolen Pokemon Cards With His Own Pokemon Card Collection?
Music used -. Happy Bee Surf. Intro Music used is:. Funkn Waffles by TeknoAXE. Metropolis by Traktion. Please Note, all the Pictures and Video Images that I use do n...
[Hearthstone] Kripp's Hearthstone Collection
How far I've come with saving up dust for the all gold set. Rate, comment, and subscribe!.
HearthStone - my first Legendary card
After 420 wins I finally found a Legendary card in my Card pack in Hearthstone :). music - unknown, sorry. první legenda, konečně po 420 výhrách.
[Hearthstone] The Best Card In The Game?
What does the perfect Hearthstone card most closely resemble. Hearthstone commercials:.
[Hearthstone] The Worst Card of TGT
Thoughts and review of the absolute worst card to come out of the Grand Tournament Hearthstone expansion. Twitter:.
Hearthstone 16 card draw!
♪Comic Hero - Silent Film Light by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (.
The 5 Rarest Card Backs - Hearthstone
Most people will never unlock these exclusive card backs, and I think they might just be the rarest things in Hearthstone. Feature | Hearthstone | The 5 Rarest Card...
[Hearthstone] Worst Card Arena Can WIN!
A show of how I had my first wins while intentionally drafting the worst possible deck in Arena. Twitter:.
Hearthstone Card Pack Opening #3 1
Hearthstone Card Pack opening. From the new old gods expansion. Rare, goldens, epics and legendary cards. In the next videos we are continuing Far Cry Primal!.
Hearthstone: My Collection
Hey there guys,. Today, I take the time to show you all My Collection. I've gained a huge amount of cards lately, and I wanted you to know what I have to work with i...
My Hearthstone Collection
My Hearthstone collection for anyone who can suggest what is the best deck with the available cards. Sorry for the language of the game, its spanish..
My Hearthstone Collection
Someone wanted to see it, so here it is. I have 2 accounts, main (US) and F2P (EU)..
Hearthstone My Collection bug
Found a strange bug in the My Collection. Clicking around causes the tabs go all crazy..
[Hearthstone] New INSANE Legendary Card Reveal!
Hide yo Dr. Booms, hide yo Deathwings. Subscribe to Disguised Toast.
Hearthstone two card Tavern Brawl Win every game!
Unkillable apart from a warlock running Curse, but that's not going to happen, everyone likes mechs.
Hearthstone Card Pack Opening - First Legendary!
Which Legendary did i get. Watch it and find out. Some gold cards also. -- www.twitch.tv/xdega/c/2805797&utm_campaign=archive_export&utm_source=xdega&utm_medium=yout...
Hearthstone: 1000 CARD OPENING! - Ignideus
Two hundred packs AND NO JARAXXUS D:. Subscribe for more gaming videos:.
[Hearthstone] Opening of 40 card packs + disenchanting
I got golden paladin so i decided to celebrate it by opening 40 card packs, and since people likes to watch that sort of stuff i recorded it. |--| Don't waste your m...
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