Hearthstone Best of Trump Patron August Warrior Constructed
Hearthstone: Best of Trump Patron - August (Warrior Constructed)
Ranked Play Season 17: The Tournament Grounds. ····················································································. 00:00 - vs Mech Mage - Fel Rea...
Hearthstone: Trump Deck Teachings - 09 - Patron Warrior (Warrior)
Patron Warrior - or Combo Warrior - is regarded as one of the strongest decks but also as one of the most difficult ones to play. It survives the early game with che...
Hearthstone: Trump Runs a Pub - Part 1 (Warrior Constructed)
Ranked Play Season 13: Sweet, Sweet Victory. ····················································································. 02:08 - Druid. 09:59 - Midrange...
Hearthstone: Trump Runs a Pub - Part 2 (Warrior Constructed)
Ranked Play Season 13: Sweet, Sweet Victory. ····················································································. 00:00 - Druid. 04:51 - Control W...
Hearthstone - Hat Hunter vs Patron Warrior
A cool game between yogg-saron hat hunter and patron warrior on the hearthstone standard ladder. Deck list should be the same as in the yogg hat hunter deck video. s...
Hearthstone: Kolento plays patron warrior (#69)
ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ. As well as subscribing to this channel: bit.ly/1VHEfQQ. Also make sure to like the video and spread the word about it, it really does help a lot. Kolento's...
Hearthstone: Midrange Patron Mix (Warrior Standard)
····················································································. 01:59 - vs Midrange Shaman. 06:37 - vs Zoolock. 09:40 - vs Paladin. 14:05 - v...
Hearthstone: Kolento plays patron warrior (#67)
ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ. As well as subscribing to this channel: bit.ly/1VHEfQQ. Also make sure to like the video and spread the word about it, it really does help a lot. Kolento's...
Hearthstone: Patron: Blood & Booze (Warrior Standard)
····················································································. 00:00 - vs C'Thun Druid. 04:22 - Mirror Match. 11:16 - vs C'Thun Warrior. ···...
Hearthstone: Trump Cards - 109 - Part 1: Legendary Warrior (Warrior Arena)
····················································································. ♪ Outro music from the Hearthstone soundtrack. "One Last Chance".
Hearthstone: Trump Deck Teachings - 12 - Control Warrior (Warrior)
····················································································. ♪ Outro music from Ronald Jenkees.
Hearthstone - Budget Patron Warrior Deck | Ranked Gameplay (Old Gods)
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Hearthstone Constructed: Warrior one turn kill deck
This is from the first day of Hearthstone beta test season 2. The constructed ladder has been reset and the race to the top is on. Basic idea behind the deck is to c...
Hearthstone: Important Lesson in Humility (Warrior & Rogue Constructed)
Also: IT'S ALIVE. Ranked Play Season 5. ····················································································. Bearon & Friends. 00:00 - Mirror Matc...
Lifecoach Mage vs Mauleri Warrior Hearthstone Constructed GvG Gameplay
hearthstone 2016, 2016 hearthstone tournament, Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, hearthstone tournament, Hearthstone game, Hearthstone game play, Hearthstone live, He...
Hearthstone Amaz Playing Old Gods Constructed Control Warrior
Like, share and subscribe if you like my vods. Your Support is huge for me. |--| You can send your funny hearthstone moments to [email protected].
Hearthstone: Trump Is Eggcellent at Hearthstone - Part 1 (Warlock Constructed)
Ranked Play Season 13: Sweet, Sweet Victory. ····················································································. 03:37 - Druid. 06:54 - Demonlock...
[Hearthstone] C'Thun Fatigue Elise Warrior - LONG GAMES [Constructed Gameplay]
Blackrock Mountain – The Gooey Molten Center of Molten Core. Blackrock Mountain – The Towering Heights of Blackrock Spire. Hearthstone - Deceptively Simple. Insanely...
Dragon Aggro Warrior - LEGEND Top 300 - [German / Deutsch] - Hearthstone Constructed Guide
Der Push auf Legend. passiert mit Draggro. Wie immer, Vielen Dank fürs Zuschauen und ich hoffe ich konnte euch Etwas beibringen. Wenn euch das Video gefällt, gebt do...
Hearthstone: Trump's Downfall (Hunter Constructed)
Ranked Play Season 23: You've Won My ♥-Stone. ····················································································. 00:00 - vs Patron Warrior. 06:2...
Hearthstone: Sacrifical Trump (Warlock Constructed)
Ranked Play Season 23: You've Won My ♥-Stone. ····················································································. 00:00 - vs Patron Warrior. 07:4...
Hearthstone: Trump Is More Than a Fish (Shaman Constructed)
READ FIRST: This is not a Murloc deck - the title refers to the ETC song/card 'I am Murloc'. The deck basically is about the I am Murloc card in combination with Nep...
Hearthstone Trump Playing Old Gods Zoo Constructed
Like, share and subscribe if you like my vods. Your Support is huge for me. |--| You can send your funny hearthstone moments to [email protected].
Hearthstone | Soggoth Control Warrior Deck & Decklist | Constructed STANDARD | Legend by Choops
(Get 20% off with Voucher: GREENM-ANGAME-R20FF). Thanks for watching. (✿◠‿◠). Decklist ◄. [Mana] Card Name. Warrior. [1]Execute 2x. [1]Shield Slam 2x. [2]Armorsmith...
Hearthstone: Trump Goes to Battle - Part 1 (Paladin Constructed)
Ranked Play Season 14: Go Ninja, Go. ····················································································. 00:37 - Zoolock. 08:08 - Handlock. 16:13...
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