HKES Olleh Morgana Support Kr SoloQ
League of Legends - Blitz Support s6: vou te puxei
Esse canal tem parceria com o canal Tele Games da uma passada lá:.
Advanced Laning Guide (Zyra support)
0:00 Intro. 0:29 Harassing. - Combos. - enemy support. - your ADC positioning. - Knowing when to harass and when not to. 3:13 Ganks, ganks, and more ganks. - Don't p...
How To Play Lissandra Support - League of Legends
Sorry for such a late upload, I've been a little busy with work and school. Hope you guys enjoyed it though. I don't own any of the music in this video. Main Song: T...
League of Legends - Epizoda 22 - Annie [SUPPORT]
- P A Z NJ A. Nemojte zaboraviti da ako Vam se na bilo koji nacin svidio ovaj video obavezno pritisnite tu LIKE tipku. Isto vrijedi i za PRETPLATI SE tipku :P. - I N...
League of Legends Gameplay 106: Malphite Support
In my quest to get more chests from my wins, I try some more unusual supports. Malphite can definitely work. Extra armor and my damage increases with armor..
Awesome Dota 2 support Kunkka escape!
Just a cool escape that I did from some random pub game. Also the first youtube video I ever made so far :). The Ice Path was REALLY close!!.
League of legends Taric Support Game
League of legends Taric Support Game. Game: League of Legends. Author: SSrookage.
ToTT Ep.5 - No Teammate Support - Black Ops 3 Knife Only
Twitter: @Clever_Tricks. Remember to like, favourite and subscribe. And for those that already have a big thank you. Clever Playlists:. When I knife people they get...
League Of Legends | Alistar Support | Patch 6.9
Gameplay of me playing alistar support in ranked queue.
Alistar vs Taric Support - S6 l Ranked Gameplay l 19
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League Of Legends Gameplay, Nami As Support
League Of Legends Gameplay, In today's video we are playing as Nami, I do like this char as it's a lot of fun to play, we are playing the support role today, so let'...
Top 5 Best Supports Patch 6.9 | Support Tier List 6.9
Thanks for Watching. Like and Subscribe for more League of Legends Content. Background/Outro Music:. By : NoCopyrightSounds. Song name: Fade by Alan Walker:.
League of Legends adc malzahar/fizz support
so i didnt do very well but we won atleast and thats all that matters right. RIGHT?!@?@?@!?!?!?!?@?!@?#@#!@.
Fnatic YellOwStaR - Zyra support - patch 5.23
Fnatic YellOwStaR playing Zyra with Ashe vs Nami with Vayne (patch 5.23). 0/18/12 (Thunderlord's Decree).
Break the Meta Ep86 - Best 5th Man Ziggs Support!
Welcome to Break the Meta. The point of this series is to have fun and play champions that are not usually picked for the position I'm playing. Hopefully y'all enjoy...
BARD Gameplay Support - League of Legends
BARD gameplay as support in League of Legends pbe. Pimpin' Livestream every Sunday at:.
legion commander is Danger with Support, Dota 2
legion commander is Danger Killer with Team support..
Let's Randomize! KATARINA SUPPORT #1 - League of Legends
Hey guys. This is the first video of my series, hope you guys like it. |--| Just noticed my voice cam from the laptop, not the podcast, I'll fix that for the next vi...
New Teemo Support Updated!! Season 5 patch 5.15
another support video with the new champion update TEEMO!. Kalista wasn't a strong adc as you can see in the beginning or you maybe she didnt know how to play with a...
League of Legends: Teemo Support Tutorial
This is my quick Teemo Support Tutorial. Now put on some pants and watch it. Song: Saliva - My Disease. Link:.
Fugofi's Super Support Teemo Guide
"Song: Falcon Punch. Razihel's channel: WWW.YOUTUBE.
WARNING: SOME EXPLICIT LANGUAGE. I play League of Legends with a bunch of friends and clearly Teemo is BEST SUPPORT EVER. TWITTER: twitter.
Is It A Troll Pick: Roaming Teemo Support
If it's a troll pick but you win is it still a troll pick. In this (hopefully) new series we explore whether some picks are truly troll picks. Dear god, help us all....
Ekko Support Gameplay League of Legends
Ekko Support Gameplay League of Legends (More Ekko below!). Pimpin' Livestream every Sunday at:.
Description. Imaqtpie and IWDominate get griefed and scream like monkeys for 10 minutes. Enjoy the video. Check out these links. Get Games for Cheap.
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