Advanced Laning Guide (Zyra support)

0:00 Intro. 0:29 Harassing. - Combos. - enemy support. - your ADC positioning. - Knowing when to harass and when not to. 3:13 Ganks, ganks, and more ganks. - Don't push up without vision. Easy gank. - Ideal lane position is frozen under tower. Worst is theirs. |--| 4:24 Vision. - Pink for ganks, lane brush, deep vision, defensive vision, or mid lane. |--| - If you're pushing a lot, consider an early sightstone. |--| - When to get deep wards. |--| - When to get sweeper. |--| 6:20 Closing remarks. - All ins. - Summoner spells. - Masteries. - Runes. - Maxing Q or E. |--| - Item builds. Find Melyn on:. Twitter:.

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