Ever Grande City Pokémon Ruby Sapphire
"SHINY KYOGRE & GROUDON!" - Reverse GTS #RGTS - Pokemon Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire Livestream
"SHINY KYOGRE & GROUDON!" - Reverse GTS #RGTS - Pokemon Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire Livestream. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). Q: How do we get the Pokemon/ Shiny y...
"SHINY BRAVIARY! MEMORIAL DAY!" - Reverse GTS #RGTS - Pokemon Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire Livestream
"SHINY BRAVIARY. MEMORIAL DAY!" - Reverse GTS #RGTS - Pokemon Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire Livestream. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). Q: How do we get the Pokemon/ S...
"SHINY HUNTING RACE VS JASONPLAYSPKMN!" - PART 2 - Pokemon Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire Livestream
Welcome to the Shiny Hunting Race versus JasonPlaysPokemon. Where Jason and I compete to find the most shinies on stream using various methods such as fish chaining,...
FREE POKEMON! How to Get a Free Manaphy in Pokemon X/Y/Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire!
USE CODE (smk) To Save 10% on Any Xsplit License. Take your Live Streams/Youtube Videos to the Next Level with XSplit Broadcaster.
Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire: Battle Spot Live Season 2: Episode 03: Aggron Aggravation
Welcome to Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire's Battle Spot Live series. Season 2. We have some better luck with opponents and the Battle Spot server in this one,...
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Walkthrough Part 14: Slateport City
In this episode, we catch a new Pokémon and check out everything in Slateport City. instagram: @ogbrose.
Ayo main Pokemon Omega Ruby (3DS) !. Kali ini, kita mengetahui keberadaan Pokemon Legendaris yang mirip GODZILLA!. Yuk kita main bareng!. ADD FACEBOOK KITA!.
Pokémon Omega Ruby Wonderlocke! | "NEW POKEMON!" Ep. 02
We finally get some new Pokémon to add to the squad. With one of these Pokemon we get there is NO WAY WE CAN LOSE.. right??. What pokemon will you be wondertrading m...
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Wonderlocke - Introduction
Wonderlocke Rules. If a Pokemon faints it is considered dead and must be released or deposited into a box exclusively for dead Pokemon. |--| 2. You may only capture...
01 | CHOOSE MY STARTER | Pokémon Sapphire Bubblelocke
➤BUBBLELOCKE RULES:. I can only capture Water-Type Pokémon. This includes dual-types. All Pokémon have been randomized (Apart from the starters, which were selected...
[live] Pokémon Alpha Sapphire - Ep 3 จับไคโอก้า !! ลุยยิมที่เหลือ
คำถามที่ถามบ่อย. Texture pack : Sonic Ether's. เวอร์ชั่นอะไร 1.7.10. โหลดยังไง.
[LIVE!!] Shiny UNCATCHABLE Poochyena in Pokemon Sapphire after 929 SRs
Well, that's another shiny I have to reclaim. Let's hope we don't see any more of these. Facebook.
Pokemon Quartz [Ruby Romhack]: Stream 5
This stream’s Co-comentators: DHR_107, Kadew and Seraphinu (Alex). Uploads for this series will be largely un-edited, and very long. You have been warned..
Pokemon Quartz [Ruby Romhack]: Stream 3
This stream’s Co-comentators: DHR_107 and Kadew. Uploads for this series will be largely un-edited, and very long. You have been warned..
Pokémon Omega Ruby Wonderlocke - Intro
For anyone who may be confused, yes, I'll be playing the game solo, but my buddy Christian will be doing his own play-through over on his own channel, so if you want...
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Walkthrough Part 6: Plant Yo Berries!
In this episode, we finish cleaning up on Route 104 and reach our destination: Rustboro City. instagram: @ogbrose.
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Walkthrough Part 7: Gym Leader Roxanne
In this episode, we check out Rustboro City and take on the first Gym Leader - Roxanne. instagram: @ogbrose.
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Walkthrough Part 8: Team Aqua on the Run!
In this episode, we chase after a Team Aqua grunt on Route 115. instagram: @ogbrose.
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Walkthrough Part 10: Dewford Town
In this episode, we check out Dewford Town and prepare for the second Gym Leader - Brawley. instagram: @ogbrose.
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Walkthrough Part 11: Gym Leader Brawly
In this episode, we battle the 2nd Gym Leader - Brawly - and continue along to deliver the letter to Steven. instagram: @ogbrose.
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Walkthrough Part 12: Steppin' on the Beach
In this episode, we take down all the trainers on the Route 109 beach and witness our first evoluiton. instagram: @ogbrose.
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Walkthrough Part 13: Seashore House
In this episode, we fight 5 trainers in the Seashore House to earn a prize from Mr. instagram: @ogbrose.
Pokemon Omega Ruby (1) NI GAME BYUTIPUL BANGET!!!
Ayo main Pokemon Omega Ruby (3DS) !. Kali ini, kita baru sampai di kota kecil dimana kita akan tinggal, yakni Littleroot Town!. |--| Bagaimana keseruan ceritanya men...
I LOVE THIS GAME!|Pokémon Ruby 40 subscriber milestone!
Hello guys pikachufan109 here and today I played some Pokémon Ruby!.
Pokemon Omega Ruby (5) MANCING BIKIN DEPRESI!!
Ayo main Pokemon Omega Ruby (3DS) !. Kali ini, aye sentolop mencoba mancing Pokemon!. Yuk kita main bareng!. ADD FACEBOOK KITA!.
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