For anyone who may be confused, yes, I'll be playing the game solo, but my buddy Christian will be doing his own play-through over on his own channel, so if you want you can go check out his side of things too. A lot of you have asked me to do another project by myself, so I figured I'd give it a go. I have the most fun when I'm working with friends, hence why most of my videos now have other people in them. Hopefully this goes down well, and I hope you enjoy. Wonderlocke Rules. If a Pokémon faints it is considered dead and must be released or deposited into a box. |--| 2. You may only capture the first encounter on any given route, gift Pokémon count as seperate entities. |--| 3. When a Pokémon is captured, it must be Wonder Traded immediately. |--| 4. Pokémon that are received from Wonder Trade and are lower leveled than the Pokémon that was traded off can be rare candied to match the level of the Pokémon captured. |--| 5. If a Pokémon received from Wonder Trade is 10 levels higher than the highest levelled Pokémon on your team, you can choose to box it, and use it when it's within your level range, or you can Wonder Trade again, but only up to 3 times..