EXPLANATION. Interactive Draft is an educational series that teaches you how to make the right choices in an arena draft. For every pick you will have a brief moment to make your own choice (make sure that you have annotations enabled) and compare yourself with Trump. Always pick from the perspective of Trump's current deck even when you would've picked other cards earlier in the draft. Feel free to pause if you need more time or challenge yourself by picking within the time limit - the choice is yours. Depending on how well you did you will get scored. Your score starts at 100 and for every pick you made you will have to deduct a negative score that appears under the corresponding card. Cards that don't show a score (mainly Trump's and occasionally other 'equally correct' choices) are correct picks. These deduct no points, so by picking the right cards 30 times in a row you will end the draft with the score you started with. |--| In the outro sequence at the end of the video you can get your ranking - the higher the milestones, the better the rank: 2 common ranks, 2 rare ranks, 2 epic ranks, 2 legendary ranks and 3 champion ranks - so get pen and paper ready to keep track of your progress. Feel free to share how well you did in the comment section or just use the ranking system to track how much you improved over the course of this series. That said, only one thing is really important: have fun and maybe learn a thing or two. SCORING. -1 'nearly insignificantly worse pick'. -3 'slightly inferior pick'. -5 'bad pick'. -8 'terrible pick'. -10 'disastrous pick'. ····················································································. ● iDraft playlist:.