Fight Night Hearthstone - Kripparrian vs Ek0p - S02E03

ESGN TV - Fight Night Hearthstone - Kripparrian vs Ek0p - S02E03. Fight Night: Hearthstone in Season 2 features a return of your favorite players. A rematch of the finest competitors. The first season was a practice round with many distractions. This time, they play for keeps of 15500 dollars. Team "Praise Ragnaros" (aka "Other Team No Name Yet") aims to guard what's rightfully theirs while Team "DogeHouse" wants to tip the scale in their favor. Tune in for a second bout of Hearthstone of the finest degree. Same teams, new strategies, new matchups and the wheel of RNG. Today with the Master of OJ (Kripparrian) against, the probably most controversial discussed player, Ek0p. Analyzed and discussed by Trump who will be joining our show host Frodan..