0:11 How would doing only overhead presses affect results. Horizontal pressing hurts my shoulder. Thanks for the awesome content. |--| 1:44 How to do i get rid of my arm imbalance. my right arm is a lot smaller then my left. My right hand is also my dominate hand, im very confused. i'm not sure if its my posture or something. I've been using dumbbells instead of barbells so i can focus on each arm separately but it doesn't seem to help. 3:11 Hey Alex, you mentioned that you did Westside previously. Can you tell me what your routine layout was like or give some advice on how to run it for raw lifters. Awesome content brother. Keep up the good work. |--| 4:38 I don't understand why block pulls are useful for someone trying to increase their deadlift. I understand they could be good for overall back development (block pull is similar to a rack pull), but for improving a deadlift, wouldn't deficit deadlifts be more useful than block pulls, since you're training the same range of motion--and more--as deadlifts. With a block pull, you're training less range of motion. 6:35 Hey Alex i have a problem when doing bent over rows, I'm unable to stay parallel to the ground. on every rep I tend to lift my upper body just a bit so I'll end up at 45 degrees. 7:13 Yo Alex. How much should I narrow my grip on the close grip bench press in comparison to the width of my upper torso. Thanks. |--| 7:45 How can I find out if i'm slow twitch or fast twitch dominant in an certain muscle and should I train differently if i'm in either of the extremes. |--| 9:01 Alex, for my 1RM squats I always just go to parallel and as I get more comfortable with the weight, begin going lower and lower, is this advisable or should I focus on atg (nearly) form for 1RM. 9:43 Opinion on switching out the bench press for dumbbell presses for a training cycle if stall occurs. and opinions on dumbbell pressing in general compared to OHP and barbell bench press. thank you love the videos man. very informative keep it up. 11:08 As a 16-year-old with a good diet and have started training ICF 5x5 , how can I gain weight and maintain abs, also how much muscle can I can in the next year in your opinion. |--| 12:28 Hey Alex, my overhead press is 50KG x 7 and my bench is only 75x3. I did 80x3 when I was bulking, but I probably couldn't do that now. The OHP to BP ratio seems off to me, like the bench should be a lot stronger. What might be the problem. Weak chest, triceps or something else. |--| 13:37 Alex how can I strengthen my rotator cuff at home with bodyweight/weight exercises. I dont have any bands soo can you please tell me what kind of exercise should I do to make my rotator cuff stronger and lower risk of getting shoulder injury. |--| 14:39 Whats your opinion on static holds for bench press. or is there a better exercise to get used to handling heavier weight. 15:44 how to not lean forward on high bar atg squats like rubish does.Even on my warmups i feel my hips shoot faster thus i lean forward, how can i fix it. |--| 16:46 Hey Alex, I hurt my back (SI joint) not long ago which prevented me from doing any squats or deadlifts. I don't really feel it outside of the gym except maybe when I sit in an awkward position. Do you recommend strengthening the lower back region or just let it heal on it's own. Thanks in advance. |--| 17:28 Alex, I just turned 40 and have been out of the iron game for seven years. What can I do to get back in. Am I too old to be considering doing your programs, and if not, are there any special consideration I would need to make. (gpp, stability, low stress swimming, work capacity). 19:19 Hey alex, i am a high level judo athlete and i want to run Westside for improving my performance. I'm only able to hit the gym 2-3 times a week though. Should i still run it as an upper lower. Or can i make it a fullbody routine. Thanks. |--| 20:55 hey alex, what program would you recommend for a novice/intermediate that are field athletes and want to improve performance while putting on mass. Love your videos bro. 21:42 Which workout style do you prefer: Full body or Upper/Lower. |--| 22:06 What kind of gains have you gotten from manual PE over what amount of time. |--| Get big as f*** without drugs now.