I will let you know some things I found interesting and that I personally did not know until reading the Wiki like a Bible. Hope you enjoy, hombres. ANNOTATIONS SHOW FIXES FROM UPDATES AND ERRORS!!. Also, please excuse the derps. I filmed this in one shot just pressing pause during breaks and no video editing software. It's my sense of humor which led me to keep the video with derps. Low quality will be boosted once I've got a new PC and hopefully I get over this cold soon!. Some of these are actually bugs not purposely intended!The sugarcane on sand may or may not be factual, currently doing many tests. Golems also can't swim. Pumpkins on the head negate Endermen (but I thought everyone knew that!) from attacking. I appreciate the positive feedback!!. Thanks to Marc at Mojang for tweeting this video and putting it on Mojang.