Interesting Cat Facts You Might not Know About

Cat facts for kids and children which are very interesting ,are described below. |--| 1.Cats are America's most popular pets: there are 88 million cats compared to 74 million dogs. |--| 2. Some cats have survived falls from over 32 stories (320 meters) onto concrete, due largely to their “righting reflex.”. 3.Every year, nearly four million cats are eaten in China as a delicacy. |--| 4.Cats have 32 muscles that control the outer ear while humans have only 6. |--| 5.A cat has been the mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska for 15 years. |--| 6.Cats can't taste sweetness. |--| 7.Cats sleep for 70% of their lives. |--| 8.The longest cat ever measured 48.5 inches (1.23 m) when fully stretched out. |--| 9.The oldest video of cats on YouTube dates from 1894. |--| 10.Owning a cat can reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes by more than a third, researchers found. |--| 11.Adult cats only meow to communicate with humans. |--| 12.The CIA spent US$20 million in the 60s training cats to spy on the Soviets. The first spy cat was hit by a taxi. |--| 13.A cat inherited a US$13 million fortune from its owner in Italy. |--| 14.In Korea and Japan, there is a Cat Cafe where you can go to drink coffee and hang out with cats for hours. |--| 15.Cats recognize owners' voices but seem too cool to care, according to a study. |--| 16.Ancient Egyptians shaved off their eyebrows to mourn the death of their cats. |--| 17.Cats have three eyelids. |--| 18.Black cats are considered to bring good luck in Japan. |--| 19.Cats have +100 sounds in their vocal repertoire, while dogs have only 10. |--| 20.A fingerprint is to a human as a nose is to a cat. |--| 21.There's a theater in Russia where all the actors are cats. |--| 22.The world's smallest cat is called "Tinker Toy" and he's just 2.75 inches (7 cm) tall. |--| 23.A cat called "Dusty" produced 420 kittens during her breeding life, a world record. |--| 24.Cleaning a cat's litter box can get you Toxoplasmosis if the cat is infected. While pregnant, it can cause your baby to be born with cerebral palsy, seizures, and mental retardation. |--| 25.The first cloned cat was called "CC", short for "Carbon Copy.". 26.In Switzerland, some people still regularly eat dog and cat meat. It's legal in the country. |--| 27.In Ancient Egypt, killing a cat, even accidentally, incurred the death penalty. |--| 28.In 2009, an accused Florida man said his cat downloaded child porn, not him. |--| 29.Declawing cats is legal in most U.S. states but banned in at least 22 countries including Germany, Finland, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. |--| 30.In 1963, a cat called "Felicette" became the first feline in space. |--| 31.Cats are believed to be responsible for the extinction of several species of animals. |--| 32.Research has shown that domestic cats never forgive. They fail to show signs of reconciliation like other animals do. |--| 33.A physicist made his cat the co-author of his scientific paper to avoid replacing "we" with "I" throughout his paper. |--| 34.Cats sweat through their paws. |--| 35.Cats can dream. They produce the same brain wave patterns that we do when we dream. |--| 36.Cats can get sick or die from eating chocolate. |--| 37.More than 86,000 people are injured by tripping over their cats and dogs every year in the U.S. |--| 38.Cat kidneys are so efficient they can rehydrate by drinking seawater. |--| 39.Cats can swallow and digest their food without chewing it. |--| 40.Cats can't see directly below their noses. Scientists have created glow-in-the-dark cats by inserting the jellyfish protein that codes for bioluminescence into their genome. |--| 42.A cat's tail contains nearly 10% of all the bones in its body. |--| 43.The Guinness World Records stopped awarding the fattest cats or any other animal to discourage deliberate overfeeding. |--| These are the interesting and cool facts about cats.