Hope you enjoyed this one. Can we get to 20,000 LIKES?!?. |--| I don't really know why this video was a thing.. but it was. What would Minecraft be like if lava, the thing we're all scared of, became invisible. It wouldn't be safe to do anything anymore. If you enjoyed the video, consider leaving a LIKE and SUBSCRIBING. Leave your video suggestions in the comments and you may be featured in a future video :D. Thanks to the actors in this video: _SuperEffective, Failboat, Derpness, TheWafflezArmy, gamerrizz, CreeperMC_, jb42300. I'd be extra careful before walking if this was actually a thing. at least trolling would be easier. FIND ME:. SERVER IP: mc.mcorigins.com. 2ND SERVER IP: mc.thenova.net. EXPLODINGTNT MERCH:.