A new report by a pro-Hillary think tank gave the Washington Post sufficient ammo to fire off no less than four anti-Bernie hit pieces in under seven hours. The report is full of errors and omissions, again. Maybe they’ll all apologize again in a few months. Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola (ThinkTank), Katie Halper, and Josh Zepps, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below. "It’s not news that the Washington Post’s editorial board has been lobbying against Sen. Bernie Sanders since the beginning of his improbable presidential campaign. Sometimes this editorial ethos seems to extend to other parts of the paper, as it did in March, when thePost managed to run 16 negative stories about Sanders in 16 hours (FAIR.org, 3/8/16). While the Post has published the occasional pro-Sanders piece, the Jeff Bezos–owned publication was back at it yesterday when it pounced on a tax study by the Urban Institute, running four pieces (two by Post writers, one by the editorial board and one by the AP) in one afternoon:. - 1:00pm Sorry, Bernie Fans. His Healthcare Plan Is Short $17,000,000,000,000, by Max Ehrenfreund. - 1:49 Confirmed: Sanders Is Selling a Fantasy Agenda, by Stephen Stromberg. - 5:15pm Study: Sanders’ Economic Plan Piles $18T on Federal Debt, by AP’s Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar. - 7:59pm Sanders’ Plans Aren’t Just Too Good to Be True; They’re Also Fiscally Dangerous, by the Post’s editorial board. The study was irresistible for editors looking for viral outrage: huge, scary national debt numbers by a tax-and-spend liberal (entirely without any context), complete with innuendo that the campaign had been lying about its projections.”*. Read more here:.