Google On Air Live Hangout with the Father of C++ Bjarne Stroustrup
On August 20th, the father of C++, Bjarne Stroustrup led a Google On-Air Live Hangout event in which he talked about everything C++. The event was sponsored by InformIT, Pearson Education and the Google + C Plus Plus Community. In this wide-ranging hangout, Bjarne speaks to the following topics:. - The largest issues facing the C++ community today. - Examples of excellent snippets of C++ Code. - Examples of not so great snippets of C++ Code. - The impact of C++ 14 on the programming community. - The reasons why C++ is named, C++. - The current implementation of Rust. - The current impact of Swift on Objective C. - The next edition of C Plus Plus, versions 17. - Implementations of standard libraries. - Varying sizes of coding vectors. - Modern uses of lamba functions. - Building universal hierarchies. - The correct way to utilize C++ 14 compiler’s. - C Plus Plus 14 classes and strings. In addition, Bjarne answers community questions for more than an hour and he dives into live on screen examples of C++ code to highlight how C++ 14 has simplified older complex tasks and how it has transformed a programming language many considered routed in the 1980’s to a coding platform more essential than ever. Related Bjarne Stroustrup Articles on C++:. Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++: Vectors and Arrays:.