Thank you for watching this video. |--| If you liked it make sure to subscribe. I'm planning on uploading once or twice a week more ramdon videos but also some tryhard ranked games and some Break the Meta jungle. I also want to upload some other games like Counterstrike, The Binding of Isaac, Hearthstone and This War of Mine. If you have any good idea for a Break the Meta jungle pls tell me, I would love to try it out. Please comment what you though of this video in the comments and tell me how to improve my videos if you disliked something about it because I just started on YouTube and I want to learn and make as high quality videos as I can. My rank atm. is Silver 3 and I play on EUW. My MMR is a bit higher so these gameplays are usually against gold players. |--| I main adc (Ezreal, Corki, Caitlyn, Jinx, Varus, Sivir and Vayne). I have been playing since end season 3 and have not played for 3/4 of season 5..