after that. we stream outside back on youtube. in weekend, we start 9AM on youtube. we always announce the today's schedule on our social media. pls, follow us. Q : where did u learn English. |--| A : Esco learned it in school and hiphop music. Heosu learned it from her foreighner friends. Q : did u live in other country before. |--| A : No. we always lived in only Korea. but Heosu traveled in Europe for 3 months. Q : how many languages do u speak. |--| A : Heosu speaks English and Korean. Esco speaks English,Korean and French,Spanish,Japanese,Chinese = very little. Q : What is this music. |--| A : The music you hear in the background is Esco's music exbcLOL !. You can find Esco's music on Google Play:.