New Power Rangers Movie Update, Pokémon Sun and Moon Starters, TMNT, Mighty No. 9 + More

*READ BELOW*. In celebrating 30 episodes of MrWeenie talks, the randomness continues on. Time stamps are below as always, and if the sound in the video randomly cuts out, refresh it right away, YouTube has been having issues lately. 0:07 My reaction to the newest PR movie photos. (Red Ranger, Putties, etc.). 1:32 The problem with the female ranger movie suits. 2:26 Lionsgate wants to make up to seven Power Rangers movies. 4:35 Will there ever be another great PR team up on TV. |--| 6:14 Ninja Steel logo revealed. |--| 6:38 The Independent Movie with Power Ranger actors will be called The Order. |--| 7:29 Thoughts on the Pokémon Sun and Moon Update & The Starters. |--| 8:52 DVD Pick ups - TMNT (2012 Series) Season 4: Beyond The Known Universe. 10:01 Did I see the Mighty No. 9 Trailer. |--| 12:12 Capcom & Mega Man fans - Who is keeping Mega Man alive. |--| 13:35 Ending. Facebook -.
