____________________________________________. In this video I got the WoW community to vote on the Top 10 World of Warcraft raids throughout the various expansions, here we have the results and I have to say there's some that I expected to make the list that didn't, let me know in the comments below if your Top 10 Raids would be different to this one. If you'd like to suggest a topic for a future discussion or top 10 please comment or tweet me via the links above. |--| ____________________________________________. Text Spoilers. 10: Throne Of Thunder - Patch 5.2. 9: Blackrock Foundry - Patch 6.0. 8: The Sunwell - Patch 2.4. 7: The Firelands - Patch 4.2. 6: Black Temple- Patch 2.1. 5: The Siege Of Orgrimmar- Patch 5.4. 4: Naxxramas (Vanilla & Wrath)- Patch 1.11, 3.0. 3: Karazhan- Patch 2.0. 2: Ulduar- Patch 3.1. 1: Ice Crown Citadel- Patch 3.3. ____________________________________________. Legal footnotes. - All footage and audio is copyright Blizzard unless otherwise indicated. |--| Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0.