Ronnie Goes To Disney For The First Time!

Note - I love this man, but that day was rough. I didn't show in the video that he severely hit his head and had steel stitches put in just a couple of days before, that made his face really swollen. He also had a cold. he wasn't his usual self. When I found him on the sidewalk I truly didn't recognize him until he spoke. (That voice is one of a kind) One year has passed since you guys last saw him, and a few months since I saw him last and he truly has deteriorated (I hate to use that word in this context). |--| He finally opened up about his alcoholism, and I'm scheduling a few AA meetings coming up that we will attend together. |--| Thank you guys for caring and sharing his story. |--| Making these videos means everything to me, and I hope you can take something great out of it and go out and do something for somebody. |--| Merry christmas guys, much love to you. |--| By the way, all the funds this video makes will be going directly to Ronnie. First Time I Met Ronnie.