WNF 2.1 SFV - EBTKnight (Alex) vs Wrathmatics (Birdie, Vega)

to catch as much SFV action as possible every Wednesday night. Weds Night Fights (WNF) is the largest weekly tournament in the world featuring popular fighting games such as Street Fighter V, Mortal Kombat X, Super Smash Bros., and various community driven titles. Co-founded by Street Fighter legend Alex Valle and Level Up Productions team Jimmy Nguyen and Frank Reyes, WNF celebrates 6 years of growing the local scene, showcasing hype tournament matches, and providing opportunities for today's dedicated players. WNF is located in downtown Santa Ana's eSports Arena servicing hundreds of fighting game fans and streamed live on the Level Up Twitch channel to a global audience. Location:. eSports Arena. 120 West 5th Street. Santa Ana, CA. 92701. Twitter:. @nicktanella. @matthew_sin. Social Media:.

games,   fighting games