Payday 2 - Framing Frame - Stealth - Deathwish

This level is sort of annoying because you have to carry a LOT of bags, mission 1 is good ol fun, but has a separate contract you can play it on :P, day 2 is uneventful and could probably be skipped if there won't be an ambush. day 3 is hard, fun if you do it right though, but since you must wait for the guards to move away from your path (no alternate paths, no way to force them to move early, wait times sometimes being WAY too long. ) it gets old fast. First locate 5 items spread on the level, cameras can highlight them if you are lucky, otherwise you have to memorize their spawn locations, after that go to the roof to complete the objective, go to the office computer find the vault, bring coke to vault, you can leave here, but if you want all bags you have to take out the gold by disabling lasers with the office computer. The bad part is if you are caught, no matter what part of the level you are on (could be 1 meter from the escape), you must start from the beginning of loud mode..
